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Vladimir Putin Addresses Parliament; Accuses West of Seeking to 'Destroy' Russia
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
ABC News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Vladimir Putin has used his annual state of the nation address to accuse the West of provoking a crisis in Ukraine. (Reuters: Sergei Karpukhin )

Russian president Vladimir Putin has accused the West of seeking to destroy his country to punish it for its growing strength.

In his annual state of the union address to parliament, Mr Putin expressed no regrets for annexing the Crimea peninsula and accused Western governments of "pure cynicism" over the Ukraine crisis.

The Kremlin leader praised the Russian people for their strength and said sanctions against Russia must drive the country to develop its own economy.

Russia's "enemies of yesterday" wished on it the same fate as Yugoslavia in the 1990s, he said in the speech.

"There is no doubt they would have loved to see the Yugoslavia scenario of collapse and dismemberment for us - with all the tragic consequences it would have for the peoples of Russia.

"This has not happened. We did not allow it."

So determined was the West to destroy Russia, he said, that sanctions would have been imposed even without the crisis in Ukraine.

"I am certain that if all this did not take place ... they would come up with another reason to contain Russia's growing capabilities.

"Whenever anyone thinks Russia has become strong, they resort to this instrument."

Even when he pledged to keep Russia open to the world, he adopted an aggressive posture: "We will never pursue the path of self-isolation, xenophobia, suspicion and search for enemies. All this is a manifestation of weakness, while we are strong and self-confident."

Russian currency falls during speech

Sanctions and the falling price of energy exports have seen the rouble drop sharply, culminating in an acknowledgment this week by the government that the country is headed for recession.

Mr Putin promised an amnesty for capital repatriated to the country, saying that Russians who chose to bring money back would face no questions over how they earned it. Money from a national wealth fund would be used to support domestic banks.

His popularity ratings remain high and he has not faced any big protests over the economic decline, but questions are being asked about whether he has a plan to pull the $1.4 trillion economy out of crisis.

The Russian currency has already lost a third of its value this year, the fall in oil prices has blown a hole in state finances, and Russian companies and banks are scrambling to find dollars to pay foreign debts.

"The greatest danger for the president is the economy, under the double pressure of sanctions and falling oil prices," commentator Kirill Rogov wrote in the business daily Vedomosti.

US president Barack Obama has said the tough economic situation could eventually help change Mr Putin's course in other areas.

Mr Putin has instead diverted attention from the economy by whipping up patriotism, including by annexing the Crimea peninsula, and blaming the United States and the European Union for many of Russia's problems as well as the crisis in Ukraine.

Scientific Evidence for the Flood
Dec 5th, 2014
Categories: Creation - Evolution

The following is from, "If there was a great worldwide Flood, as described in Genesis, such a catastrophe certainly should have left obvious evidence of itself all over the world. Scientists who believe in creation say that we are surrounded by these evidences. Many of them also believe that some of the features associated with glaciers can be better explained by a catastrophic flood. While evolutionary scientists scoff at the biblical account of the Flood, they continue to run across evidences of what they take to be huge floods. Now further evidence has been reported of a continental flood. The September 1989, issue of Geology, a scientific professional journal, carried an article about drumlins in northern Saskatchewan. Drumlins are hills that are traditionally associated with glacial activity. When viewed from the air, they resemble eggs lying on their sides, all pointing in the same direction. Over the last few years, some scientists have proposed that drumlins were formed by large quantities of water running in the same direction. The article in Geology offers yet more evidence for large quantities of water moving over the continental land surfaces. One of the scientists remarked that, 'There's nothing in recorded history that matches the size of these floods.' If we consider Genesis to be recorded history, rather than ancient and ignorant myth, there certainly is an historical record of a huge Flood!"

Satanic Temple Display Approved for Florida Capitol
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Orlando Sentinel
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Satanic Temple display
The display proposed by the Satanic Temple was denied access to the Florida Capitol rotunda after Department of Management Services last years after officials deemed it "grossly offensive." This year, the display has been approved. (The Department of Management Services)
News Service of Florida
State approves Satanic Temple display for Florida Capitol rotunda

TALLAHASSEE — Unlike last year, a Satanic Temple display will be officially welcome inside Florida's Capitol during the holiday season.

And Festivus, a non-commercial festival "for the rest of us," will be back as a 6-foot stack of empty beer cans. Also expected are a pair of nativity scenes.

The Florida Department of Management Services this week approved a holiday display from the Satanic Temple, which a year ago was rejected because the agency said it was "grossly offensive."

The temple's entry was one of five displays approved to be put up in the first-floor rotunda of the Capitol for the holiday period.

Two additional requested displays, including one to mark the sitcom-created Festivus holiday, are pending final approval. The state agency offered no explanation with its approval of the displays.

John Tupps, a spokesman for Gov. Rick Scott, deferred comment to the department, saying, "DMS makes the rules for the Capitol."

Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple, said in an email that "the difference seems to be in the fact that this time around we arrived with lawyers."

The temple, which threatened to sue after being rejected last year but never took action, is scheduled to put up its display Dec. 22.

The approved display will banner the phrase "Happy holidays from the Satanic Temple" atop a diorama of an angel falling into hell.

"We hope that, this holiday season, everybody can put their religious differences aside and respect that the celebratory spirit of responsible hedonism is available to all," Greaves said in the email.

Pam Olsen, president of the Florida Prayer Network and also submitted the application for an approved nativity scene for the International House of Prayer Tallahassee, said she doesn't have a problem with the others putting up displays. However, she questioned the motives of people again are putting up displays in reaction to the Florida Prayer Network's introduction of a nativity scene into the Capitol last year.

"This is not a religious endorsement by our state government. It's freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and we will all be up there," Olsen said. "But are they really putting them up to wish everyone a happy holiday from the atheists and the Satanists, or are they up there to protest baby Jesus?"

Last year, a nativity joined a Hanukkah menorah and Christmas trees that had been displayed for years on the first floor of the Capitol.

Department of Management Services spokesman Ben Wolf said in an email the state agency is waiting for Deerfield Beach resident Chaz Stevens, the sponsor of the Festivus pole, and the American Atheists of Tallahassee, to select the seven-day period for their displays to be set up.

Stevens, whose irreverent display made from Pabst Blue Ribbon cans went up last year to make a point about the need for a separation between church and state, said Wednesday he intends to ask for his display to go up Dec. 15, the same day as the Florida Prayer Network's nativity scene.

"The proud tradition continues forward for another year," Stevens said Wednesday. "I'm trying to be just a little more professional this year. I'm going on Craigslist to see if I can find a mariachi band to bring along."

Festivus is a "holiday" created for the TV sitcom "Seinfeld" as a non-commercial festival "for the rest of us" in the Christmas and year-end holiday season.

The state agency also approved a "Happy Winter Solstice" banner from the Madison, Wis.-based Freedom From Religion Foundation and an entry from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Rick Warren Calls for Union
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy News Watch
Categories: Apostasy;Contemporary Issues

Rick Warren Calls for Christians to Unite With Catholics, Holy Father Raising Concerns
In a new video, megachurch leader and author Rick Warren is calling for Christians to unite with Roman Catholics and “Pope Francis,” who Warren recently referred to as the “Holy Father”—a move that is raising concerns among Christians nationwide and is resulting in calls for Warren to repent.

Warren made the comments following his visit to the Vatican last month, where he spoke at an interfaith conference on the “Complementarity of Man and Woman.”

“We have far more in common than what divides us,” he said in the two-minute video released by the Catholic News Service on Wednesday, described as being an outline for “an ecumenical vision for Catholics and Protestants to work together to defend the sanctity of life, sex and marriage.”

“They would all say, ‘We believe in the Trinity; we believe in the Bible; we believe in the resurrection; we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ,” Warren asserted, speaking of the various denominations within Christianity, of which he included Roman Catholicism. “These are the big issues.”

The author of the bestselling book “The Purpose Driven Life” then sought to defend Catholics from those who take issue with the practice of seeking the intercession of Mary and the various deceased persons that have been sainted by the Vatican.

“Sometimes protestants think that Catholics worship Mary like she’s another god, but that’s not exactly Catholic doctrine,” Warren contended. “People say, ‘What are the saints all about? Why are you praying to the saints?’ And when you understand what they mean by what they’re saying, there’s a whole lot more commonality [that we have with Roman Catholics].”

“There’s still real differences—no doubt about that,” Warren stated. “But the most important thing is, if you love Jesus, we’re on the same team.”

He closed by speaking of his belief that Christians and Catholics serve as co-laborers for the cause of defending life and family.

“When it comes to the family, we are co-workers in the field in this for the protection of the sanctity of life, the sanctity of sex and the sanctity of marriage,” Warren said. “So, there’s a great commonality and there’s no division on any of those three.”

But Warren’s comments have raised concern from Christian leaders nationwide, who are now calling the Saddleback leader to repentance. Matt Slick of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) repudiated each of Warren’s points.

“Sure, there are Catholics who love the real Christ, the one who died on the cross for our sins. That is not the problem,” he said. “The problem is the Roman Catholic Church’s false teachings concerning Mary and salvation.”

“Rick Warren says both the Catholics and the Protestants believe in the Bible. But, there is a significant difference between the Bible of the Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, which has added seven books,” Slick wrote. “[T]here are numerous problems in the apocryphal books, such as the teaching of salvation by works [and] the offering of money for the sins of the dead.”

“Warren implies that both Protestants and Catholics have the same view of salvation,” he continued. “Though it’s technically correct to say that Catholics believe in salvation through Jesus Christ, they reject justification by faith alone in Christ alone. Instead, it teaches that good works of various kinds are necessary for salvation.”

The Christian apologist then pointed to several Roman Catholic teachings on Mary, mainly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), such as that Mary “by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation” and that “[b]y asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the ‘Mother of Mercy,’ the All-Holy One.”

“Rick Warren has not only failed to recognize the problems in these serious areas, but he has lent his credibility as a Protestant pastor in support of the Roman Catholic Church,” Slick wrote. “This should never be done by any Protestant pastor who takes the Bible seriously. I must conclude that Mr. Warren does not take the word of God seriously and/or he does not understand the damnable teachings of Roman Catholicism regarding salvation.”

“Rick Warren needs to repent,” he said.

Reports: Obama Mulling Sanctions on Israel
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
The Washington Free Beacon
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel


The Obama administration is refusing to discuss reports that emerged early Thursday claiming that the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem.

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf dodged several questions on Thursday when confronted with reports that the administration had held secret internal meetings to discuss taking action against Israel for its ongoing building in East Jerusalem.

The classified meetings were reportedly held several weeks ago and included officials from both the State Department and White House, according to the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, which first reported on the meetings.

The possibility of sanctioning Israel for its ongoing construction sends a signal that the Obama administration is willing to go further in its denunciations of Israel then any previous White House.

At the same time, the White House is vigorously pushing Congress against passing new sanctions on Iran.

When asked to address the reports Thursday afternoon, Harf declined to take a stance.

“I’m obviously not going to comment one way or another on reported internal deliberations,” she said. “We’ve made clear our position on settlement activity publicly and that hasn’t changed.”

When pressed to address whether the White House has reached a point at which it believes its harsh rhetoric against Israel is not enough, Harf again demurred, stating that she would not “address hypotheticals.”

A White House National Security Council (NSC) official also would not comment on the report when contacted Thursday by the Washington Free Beacon.

News of the supposed meeting leaked to the press though Israeli officials who were apparently apprised of the discussion.

Senior Israeli officials told Haaretz “that White House officials held a classified discussion a few weeks ago about the possibility of taking active measures against the settlements,” according to the report.

The discussion about levying sanctions on Israel reportedly began after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s October meeting at the White House and the subsequent battle between Washington and Jerusalem over settlement construction.

The thought of the White House leveling sanctions on Israel as it works to lessen those already imposed on Iran prompted consternation on Capitol Hill and throughout the pro-Israel world.

One senior congressional aide who works on the issue of Israel expressed shock that a White House could even discuss such action.

“If these reports are true, this would mark a new era of unprecedented hostility from the White House against our strongest ally in the Middle East,” the source said. “It’s impossible not to notice the irony of the administration mulling sanctions on Israel while threatening to veto new sanctions against Iran.”

The aide added: “The president should be forewarned that taking such action against Israel would yield tremendous pushback from Congress.”

Those in the pro-Israel world expressed a similar view when reached for comment.

“Even this administration, which has been historically hostile to our Israeli allies, even as they worked overtime to bomb the enemies of Iranian proxies across the Middle East, could not possibly be so aggressively committed to undermining our alliances as to levy sanctions against Israel at the same time they’re lifting them on Iran,” said one senior official with a pro-Israel organization who agreed to speak only on background.

Others took a more critical view.

“The Obama administration is against sanctions on Iran, but for them on Israel,” said Noah Pollak, executive director of the pro-Israel organization Emergency Committee for Israel. “Is [White House deputy national security adviser] Ben Rhodes wearing a green headband to work these days?”

Poll: Rapidly Growing American Support for One - State Solution
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

American support for one-state at 34%, rapid jump by 10% from last year, and nearly matching support for two-state solution.
Israeli and American flags
Israeli and American flags

A new US poll found that a full 34% of Americans support a one-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by which all of Israel's territory would become a single state with equal rights for all citizens.

The poll, held by the Saban Forum, noted a 10% increase in support for the one-state solution from the previous year, reports Yedioth Aharonoth. By contrast, 39% supported the two-state solution in a figure that stayed constant from previous years.

It remains unclear from the poll question if the plan respondents supported would offer Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza citizenship, although it would appear to be a clear show of support for Israeli annexation of the areas.

There has been a push in Israel to annex Judea and Samaria despite the large Arab population there, with critics saying the influx of Arab citizens if they were offered citizenship could threaten Israel's demographic balance and Jewish nature.

Another plan that has been gaining momentum in Israel is to create a Palestinian state in Jordan, with Jordanian-Palestinian activist Mudar Zahran saying such a development is inevitable.

The Saban Forum poll also found that one in six Americans (just over 15%) view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a national concern for America.

As far as which side to support, the poll results left no doubts: 31% would like the US to favor Israel in the conflict, whereas only 4% thought it should favor the Palestinian Arabs.

That position of support was echoed by the US Congress, which on Wednesday voted unanimously to pass legislation making Israel a "major strategic partner" of America, which would greatly expand cooperation in a bevy of fields. The bill now is waiting for US President Barack Obama's signature.

Obama has not shown as friendly position on Israel, blocking a routine transfer of Hellfire missiles during Operation Protective Edge and ordering more stringent supervision of future shipments.

Likewise, reports indicate the US is weighing sanctions against Israel as a punitive measure on Jewish construction in Israel's Biblical heartland, namely eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

Obama Set on Obstructing Netanyahu's Re - Election
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Virtual Jerusalem
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

President Barack Obama and his White House National Security team headed by Susan Rice have decided to seize on the political crisis besetting the Israeli government and the upcoming general election on March 17 for action to bar Binyamin Netanyahu's reelection to a fourth term as prime minister.

This decision reverberated through Future party leader Yair Lapid's assertion Wednesday night, Dec. 3, after he was sacked as finance minister, that Binyamin Netanyahu would not be next prime minister. He laid claim to the premiership himself.

The Obama administration has maintained close ties with Lapid during the foreshortened 22 month-life of the departing Israeli government.

The White House is still working on a detailed plan of action, but has lost no time in setting up appointments for the president to receive heads of the parties sworn to overthrow Netanyahu - among others, ex-minister Lapid, opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog of Labor and Tzipi Livni (The Movement), who was fired this week as Justice Minister along with Lapid.

They will be accorded attractive photo-ops with Obama and joint communiques designed to signify to the Israeli voter that the US president would favor their election to the future government and the country as a whole would gain tangibly from a different government to the incumbent one.

This White House campaign would be accompanied by leaks from Washington for putting Netanyahu and his policies in a derogatory light. Messages to this effect were transmitted to a number of serving political figures as an incentive to jump the Likud-led ship to opposition ranks. The US administration has begun hinting that it may emulate the Europeans by turning the screws on Israel as punishment for the prime minister's signature policy of developing West Bank and Jerusalem development construction.

Accounts reaching debkafile speak of an outburst of joy in the White House over news of the Netanyahu government's breakup. It was seen as an opportunity to finally get rid of Binyamin Netanyahu and a golden opportunity to bring Israel back to negotiations with the Palestinians with the Obama administration finally chalking up a success.

At the same time, some senior sources in the US capital confided to debkafile that administration joy over political developments in Israel could quickly prove premature - either in view of another round of violence overtaking the Middle East, or by once again misreading Israel's political map before stepping in and so failing in its object. But for now the circles around the US president are "highly optimistic" about their chances of forcing Netanyahu's exit, comparing them to the former success of the first President George Bush in forcing the ouster of the late Yitzhak Shamir as Israeli prime minister in the 90s.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday night, Dec. 3, US Congress passed the US.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act that raises by $200 million the value of emergency US weapons stocked in Israel to a total of $1.8 billion, and guarantees Israel's qualitative military edge over its neighbors and foes. The motion, passed by a voice vote in the House after clearing the Senate unanimously last September, also promotes closer links in energy, water, homeland security, alternative fuel technology and cyber-security. The bill now goes to President Obama for his signature.

Muslims Worshipping in the National Cathedral Chant That Jesus Christ is not the Son of God
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News,
Categories: Contemporary Issues

Muslims who worshipped in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. on November 14 chanted, "There is only one God, he begets not, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His only servant and apostle. ... God has no son and Jesus Christ cannot be his son" ("Muslims Chant to Remove Jesus at Washington's National Cathedral," Israel Today, Nov. 20, 2014). Those who say that Muslims worship the same God as Bible-believing Christians are the blind leading the blind. The National Cathedral, which is part of the Episcopal Church in America, said that allowing the Muslims to worship in its sanctuary was an act of interfaith tolerance and dialogue, but Muslims nowhere allow Christians to worship in Islamic mosques. When we have visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, we have been instructed by our guides that the Muslims who control the Mount do not allow any Christian or Jewish prayers. Christians and Jews are not even allowed to bow their heads. The liberal Episcopalians who own the National Cathedral go to great lengths not to offend the sensitivities of Allah-worshipped Muslims, but they care nothing about the sensitivities of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God.

Let the Headlines Speak
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
From the internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

This Isn’t Education, It’s Indoctrination’: Notre Dame Offers Seminar On White Privilege
“This six-week preparatory class is designed to educate and train White Privilege Conference delegation participants on the definitions of, historical/current paradigm of, and causes/effects of white privilege.” (RELATED: White Privilege Conference: Being White Is Like Being An Alcoholic)  

A White House Connection in the IRS Scandal?
It has recently come to light that the Obama Administration’s Treasury Department is in possession of over 2,500 pages of documents that may show that the IRS and the White House were colluding to illegally obtain confidential taxpayer information and that the White House used that information in an attempt to harm its political enemies.  

The explosion did not hurl a CME into space, so Earth-effects of the blast were limited to a brief HF radio blackout around the western hemisphere. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of additional M-flares during the next 24 hours.  

Man who filmed choking of Eric Garner indicted
On the same day one grand jury decided not to indict officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who was killed after being put in a chokehold last July, a different jury did indict 22-year-old Ramsey Orta, the man who captured Garner’s death on camera.  

Denver student protesters cheered when car struck officer, union official says
The Denver Police Protective Association has learned that immediately after the horrible accident yesterday injuring four Denver Police Officers, several parties in the protesting group cheered and chanted “hit him again.” These actions are not only reprehensible but quite possibly the most disturbing thing this Association has ever heard,” a statement released by the police officers’ union Thursday night said.  

Israel's Radical Left Is Allied With Europe to Establish an Islamic State
Sweden and the United Kingdom have, at least on paper, recognized a Palestinian [sic] state. This recognition has no practical significance but its reverbations undermine the foundations of the State of Israel. It is striking that. 550 Israelis have signed a petition calling for the Spanish Parliament to emulate Sweden and to also recognize the "Palestinian" enemy on the western side of the Jordan River.  

What to look out for in Israeli elections
From Lieberman's peace plan, to Kachlon's new party, to a rise in Israeli Arab voter turnout – these are a number of the less discussed factors that could prove decisive in upcoming election.  

Rick Warren’s Call for Christians to Unite With Catholics, ‘Holy Father’ Raising Concerns
Rick Warren is calling for Christians to unite with Roman Catholics and “Pope Francis,” who Warren recently referred to as the “Holy Father”—a move that is raising concerns among Christians nationwide and is resulting in calls for Warren to repent. Warren made the comments following his visit to the Vatican last month, where he spoke at an interfaith conference on the “Complementarity of Man and Woman.”  

‘You Just Can’t Say That': ‘Pope Francis’ Asserts Islam Can’t Be Equated With Violence
On his flight back to Rome after visiting Turkey, the Roman Catholic Pontiff known as Pope Francis told reporters that Islam should not be equated with terrorism and violence–a statement that some may disagree with considering the teachings of the religion.  

West behind falling ruble, oil prices - Russian spy chief
Washington and its allies are pursuing a regime change policy towards Russia, deliberately introducing sanctions and attacking the ruble through manipulation of world oil prices, the head of Russia's external intelligence agency has said.  

In Kenya, police kill suspects with near-impunity
In Kenya, where the police have long been known to harbor death squads, evidence mounts that many ordinary cops on the beat have turned into killers — doling out death to terror suspects, civilians, even children.  

Jordan's King: World must stand up to radicals
Jordan's King Abdullah says the threat posed by the Islamic State organization represents a struggle between "good and evil." He says in an interview broadcast Friday that a "pan-regional" approach is needed and nations now arrayed against the Islamic radicals must "stand up and say what is right and what is wrong."  

Police vs politicians on the Temple Mount
On Tuesday, Danino sparked the ire of many on the Right when he said, “Anyone who wants to change the status quo on the Temple Mount should not be allowed up there,” leveling criticism at what he called an “extreme right-wing agenda to change the status quo” there.  

Man arrested for threatening to assassinate Netanyahu
The threat came to light during a conversation with a social worker. The social worker notified police and the man was arrested in his home.  

Brent falls close to $69 after Saudi price cut
Brent crude fell close to $69 a barrel on Friday, putting it on track for a second weekly decline, as cuts to official selling prices from Saudi Arabia reverberated across the market.  

Police protests spread
The wave of protests began after no charges were brought against Officer Daniel Pantaleo for his role in a confrontation that killed Eric Garner. A bystander caught the incident on a video that has been shown repeatedly.  

Italian Ebola victim's condition worsens
An Italian doctor suffering from Ebola is in intensive care after his condition worsened, a spokeswoman for the hospital treating him said on Friday. The 50-year-old Sicilian contracted Ebola while working for the humanitarian group Emergency in Sierra Leone, one of the countries worst hit by the virus.  

Differing forecasts widen scope of Typhoon Hagupit
A ferocious and dangerously erratic typhoon blew closer to the Philippines Friday, as differing forecasts about its path _ one predicting it will graze the capital Manila _ prompted a much wider swath of the country to prepare for a weekend of destructive winds and rain.  

Reports: Obama Mulling Sanctions on Israel
The Obama administration is refusing to discuss reports that...the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf dodged several questions on Thursday when confronted with reports that the administration had held secret internal meetings to discuss taking action against Israel for its ongoing building in East Jerusalem.  

Hamas: Netanyahu is playing with fire by allowing Jews on Temple Mount
Khaled Mashaal, the leader of Hamas, railed against Jews being allowed to visit the Temple Mount and justified the recent wave in Palestinian terror attacks... "Netanyahu is playing with fire when he allows members of his government and the extremists to repeatedly storm the al-Aksa mosque," he said. "That's dangerous. For every action, there's a reaction."  

Putin Vows to Punish Speculators Pushing Down Ruble’s Value
President Vladimir Putin vowed to punish speculators attacking the ruble with “harsh” measures in a defiant speech that reached into Russian history to defend his annexation of Crimea and compared his international opponents with Adolf Hitler.  

It’s official: America is now No. 2
Hang on to your hats, America. And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it. There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet. It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.  

Mexican criminal aliens stealing Puerto Rican identities ignored by media
In the past, whenever an American citizen or a police officer complained that there are illegal aliens from Latin American countries impersonating Puerto Ricans in order to avoid arrest and deportation, he or she would be met with ridicule and contempt by politicians and their cohorts inhabiting the nation’s newsrooms.  

Could falling oil prices spark a financial crisis?
The oil and gas boom in the United States was made possible by the extensive credit afforded to drillers. Not only has financing come from company shareholders and traditional banks, but hundreds of billions of dollars have also come from junk-bond investors looking for high returns.  

The Dark Forces Behind America’s Racial Jihad
The recent racial hysteria that has engulfed Ferguson, Missouri, and other parts of the United States has shown that Islamist-type jihad is not the only kind of “holy war” plaguing America. The unspoken jihad - or intifada - that plagues America is a racial jihad engendered by radical black urban racial terrorists. This jihad is created, nurtured, perpetrated and perpetuated by the unholy trinity of the mainstream media, black supremacists, and cowardly, spineless and feckless white politicians. And it is a jihad that threatens to engulf America into a racial firestorm not seen since the War Between the States (a.k.a., the Civil War).  

Oliver North: Hillary Wrote Off Presidency With Statement
Hillary Clinton has written off any chance of becoming president when she said in a Wednesday speech that America must have empathy for its enemies, said Lt. Col. Oliver North. In a speech at Georgetown University, Clinton said "smart power" is using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security.  

17 States Sue Over Obama Immigration Order
Texas is leading a multistate coalition in suing over the Obama administration's recently announced executive actions on immigration. Many top Republicans have denounced the president's unilateral move designed to spare as many as 5 million people living illegally in the United States from deportation. But Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott took it a step further with filing a lawsuit in federal court in the Southern District of Texas.  

The Obamavirus
After six years of Obama’s rule the sickness caused by his Obamavirus is so widespread it may soon destroy our nation. Prior to now it has only been possible to observe the Obamavirus phenomenon and document its ravaging of our rights, our Constitution and our lives. No further observation is necessary. We understand the Obamavirus well enough.  

Republican-led House blocks Obama immigration plan
Washington - In a symbolic rebuke to US President Barack Obama's unilateral action on immigration, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted Thursday to block his plan to shield millions of people from deportation.  

French Jews: Attack highlights anti-Semitism fears
An attack on a French couple is reviving worries about anti-Semitic sentiment in France amid a rising number of incidents targeting Jews, especially during the Gaza war earlier this year. Assailants this week forced their way into an apartment in the Paris suburb of Creteil, tied up a young man and woman, demanded money and raped the woman, according to authorities  

ISIS Is Growing Its ‘Terror Army’ of Global Jihadists
In its most recent gruesome video, ISIS made 22 of its members behead what they claimed was a group of Syrian army officers and pilots. But this time, with the notable exception of British leader Jihad John, the executioners showed their faces. At least one of them was Asian. Some others were white. Two French citizens are thought to be in that video, among other nationalities.  

Pacific NW Fault Goes Silent, Maybe Be Indicator of Major Earthquake
The Cascadia fault zone expected to cause the next big earthquake in the Pacific Northwest has gone silent, and experts believe the silence could be an indicator of a massive killer earthquake, according to the Daily Mail.  

Oklahoma now leads nation in earthquakes
Oklahoma has officially passed up California regarding the prevalence of earthquakes, according to Woodward County Emergency Manager Matt Lehenbauer. And they're still happening on an almost weekly basis.  

Israel's Radical Left is Allied With Europe to Establish An Islamic State
Dec 5th, 2014
The Emet Blog
Categories: Anti-Israel

Sweden and the United Kingdom have, at least on paper, recognized a Palestinian [sic] state. This recognition has no practical significance but its reverbations undermine the foundations of the State of Israel. It is striking that. 550 Israelis have signed a petition calling for the Spanish Parliament to emulate Sweden and to also recognize the "Palestinian" enemy on the western side of the Jordan River.

Had the Europeans known the facts, had they wanted to know the facts — they certainly would not have voted as they did. The legend that the "Palestinians" are the "natives" and we are the big, bad conqueror, is revealed as baseless after 10 minutes of candid conversation with a "Palestinian", or after a look at the new stones with which they built their villages. Aerial photographs also demonstrate the fact that the Arabs of Judea and Samaria came here late. If you ask them they will tell you: We came from Jordan. We came from Saudi Arabia. We came because there is money here, and a chance for a better life.

Had the Europeans wanted to know the truth, they would have watched the children's shows on the television channel of the "moderate" Palestinian Authority, not of Hamas, and learn that the younger generation is taught that there is no Zionist entity. The State of Israel does not exist because its destruction is near. The highest value passed on to children is the murder of Jews. Actors in Mickey Mouse costumes sing songs in praise of martyrs. This is not a people that aspires for peace; these are people seeking to wipe us off the face of the earth and are making efforts to achieve their goal in every which way: terrorism and/or diplomacy.

Why do Europeans love "Palestinians"? This is a sentiment driven by strong emotion and not by facts. The British go into paroxysms of shaking whenever a hooded figure of the Islamic State appears on screen, mouthing a threatening Muslim message with a distinct British accent. How have they not connected the dots and realized that their vote in favor of the establishment of the State of "Palestine" 20 kilometers [12 miles] from Tel Aviv is a victory for the bad guys?

Are they still driven by the romance of Lawrence of Arabia? Or maybe by the new American myth that the natives are dark-skinned, dispossessed and just, whereas we have to cleanse our conscience of the crimes of Western imperialism and the murder of the native Indians?

Maybe it's much simpler, and they are just anti-Semites?

And back to the petition: Spain will soon join the UN Security Council. The radical left (numbering 550 people, according to the latest inventory) is counting fingers. It wants to mobilize the members of the Council and to establish a "Palestinian" state without negotiations. It wants to establish an enemy country within the country.

Why not negotiate? Because any attempt at a political solution is derailed time and again by the "Palestinians". No matter how many "goodwill gestures" Israel makes, how many murderers it sets free, how much constructions is frozen in the West Bank [sic] and Jerusalem, they will always ask for more, and if we don't give it to them — they will wave their most powerful card. Going to the UN Security Council.

Some 550 people from the radical left in Israel are undermining Israeli democracy and saying: We will establish an IS State now and bypass all negotiations and agreements, all government decisions, because we will impose something else on our government, something we want. We will do it with the help of foreign governments, because the government of Israel is not a legitimate body in our view. We will turn outward and force our government to do what we, 550 people representing 0.006% of the Israeli public, believe. We shall establish the State of Palestine and thus turn the status of the State of Israel into that of a banana republic. And these people boast of being real democrats, advocates of equality.

Hamas Vows 'Blood - Bath' in 'Spontaneous Reaction' to Israel
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva

Hamas leader blames Israel for terror, claims Netanyahu's refusal of PA ultimatums is cause of violence.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal

Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal has blamed the rise of terror in Jerusalem and in Israel as a whole on a "spontaneous reaction to Israeli stubbornness," in an interview with Sky News Friday morning. 

Mashaal, who gave his first interview since Operation Protective Edge in Gaza and spoke from Hamas headquarters in Qatar, blamed Israel and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the security situation, claiming - as other Palestinian Arab leaders have - that Israel's continuing to build on its own land "provoked" the attacks. 

"The Palestinian people no longer have anything to lose in light of the continuation of the occupation and settlements, stealing the land, the attacks on the women and children and the holy sites," he said.

"The reaction is spontaneous...the Israeli stubbornness, combined with the international impotence in solving the Palestinian issue with a just solution, which gives the Palestinian people their self-determination, and gets rid of occupation...will lead to chaos in the region, not just in the Palestinian arena, but to an open conflict - a blood-bath."

Mashaal warned the international audience against "keeping the Palestinian issue of no solution," and against a crackdown on the terror group. 

"Those betting on a security solution for stopping the resistance, by hunting its leadership and blocking weapons coming to its fighters, through the security cooperation of the Palestinian Authority with the Israelis, with regional and international cooperation - all of this has proven useless," Mashaal stated. "Because when public anger reaches its limit it explodes on its own, and expresses itself in ways that surprises everyone."

Mashaal specifically blamed Netanyahu for the lack of peace, claiming that Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas's positions on the issues - despite his unilateral breaches of the Oslo Accords and actual incitement against Israel - should be enough for Israel to make major concessions. 

"He has positions which satisfy Western and American standards," Mashaal claimed. "And with all this, what has Netanyahu done in return? Nothing."

"Therefore the problem is not the Palestinian position, whether from Fatah or Hamas, or the leadership, the fault is Netanyahu's position," he concluded. 

Mashaal's interview aired just as security sources announced that Hamas had fired seven test rockets in two days, in likely preparation for another war with Israel.

Enormous Dust Storm 'Turned Day Into Night' in Town of Bedourie in Far Western Queensland
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
ABC News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

The dust storm turned day into night in Bedourie
The dust storm turned day into night in Bedourie.

A massive dust storm has turned day into night in the small town of Bedourie in Queensland's south-western corner.

Bedourie borders the Simpson Desert and the town's name actually means "dust storm" in the local Indigenous language.

Bedourie resident Maggie den Ronden said she had never seen anything like it, with dust turning the town dark for about 90 minutes.

She said clouds of dust appeared on the horizon and quickly engulfed the town.

"Taking up kilometres, it was enormous - the whole town was shrouded in orange, reddy, sandy colour," she said.

"It had gone from brilliant daylight to just, you couldn't see to the end of the street.

"It was quite amazing and we had that for about an hour and a half."

Graziers in parts of the Diamantina Shire around Birdsville have reported other dust storms in recent weeks, the problem exacerbated by the lack of grass cover due to the ongoing drought.

The approaching dust storm stretched toward the horizon.
The approaching dust storm stretched toward the horizon.

Doug Cooms from the Bedourie Roadhouse said he had not seen anything like it for years.

"It just basically turned day into night," he said.

"Unfortunately there was no rain behind it.

"We had a lot of wind, a lot of sand blasting. But all good in the end - no-one got hurt.

"It gets in your eyes, in your mouth.

"I am just standing in our restaurant and there is dust everywhere."

Chinas Hypersonic Strike Vehicle in 3rd Test Flight
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2.(AFP Photo / DARPA)

Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2.

China has reportedly conducted a third flight test for its new ultra-high speed strike vehicle – capable of travelling at up to eight times the speed of sound, in what experts suspect is part of the development of its strategic nuclear program.

The test flight, monitored by US intelligence services this week, was the third in a series of tests of the Wu-14 hypersonic glide vehicle—a high-accuracy, high speed projectile, reports the Washington Free Beacon. The first two were conducted earlier this year.

A Pentagon representative confirmed the test to the WFB, but declined to provide further comment.

“We are aware of reports regarding this test and we routinely monitor foreign defense activities,” Marine Corps Lt. Col. Jeff Pool said. “However, we don’t comment on our intelligence or assessments of foreign weapon systems.”

Lora Saalman, a nuclear policy expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said China’s third test of the Wu-14 in a year suggests an ongoing trend of militarization.

“Not only does this third test of the WU-14 in one year indicate that this is a priority program for China, it also suggests that U.S. historical concerns over a Chinese quantitative ‘sprint to parity’ in nuclear weapons are misdirected,” she was quoted as saying in the Beacon.

Though some form of hyper-sonic weapons has existed for decades, the new missiles being developed by the US, China and others belong to a class of their own because of the “boost-glide” technology which enables them to travel very quickly and at a flat angle. Boost-glide weapons follow a hard-to-trace trajectory which makes them difficult to target using current missile-defense systems.

The weapons "are launched by big rockets just like a ballistic missile is," explained Carnegie nuclear expert James Acton. "But then rather than arcing higher than the atmosphere, they are put on a trajectory to re-enter the atmosphere as quickly as possible. Then they just glide to the target," he was featured as saying in Business Insider this fall.

Experts say hypersonic capabilities are indicative of a large scale military build-up. Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon strategic forces specialist, was quoted as saying in the Washington Free Beacon that China’s latest hypersonic vehicle test poses “a serious threat.”

The US and China have been engaged in what some have dubbed a hypersonic arms race. This summer, the US tested its own hypersonic missile after China ran its second test of the Wu-14. Though both countries had successfully tested hypersonic weapons in the past, both August tests failed.

Russia, not one to stay out of the game for long, has also announced plans to build its first hypersonic missile before 2020. India, too, is involved in the development of the ultra-high speed arms.

A Sin Problem Rather Than a Skin Problem
Dec 5th, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Bible Salvation

When a grand jury found insufficient reason to indict white police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of black teenager Michael Brown and destructive riots ensued, a professional football player got to the heart of the matter in a Facebook post which has gone viral with more than 700,000 "likes" and 400,000 shares. After describing some of the racial injustices black people have endured, he said, "I'M SYMPATHETIC, because I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what happened. Maybe Darren Wilson acted within his rights and duty as an officer of the law and killed Michael Brown in self-defense like any of us would in the circumstance. Now he has to fear the backlash against himself and his loved ones when he was only doing his job. What a horrible thing to endure. OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point. I'M ENCOURAGED, because ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem. SIN is the reason we rebel against authority. SIN is the reason we abuse our authority. SIN is the reason we are racist, prejudiced and lie to cover for our own. SIN is the reason we riot, loot and burn. BUT I'M ENCOURAGED because God has provided a solution for sin through his son Jesus and with it, a transformed heart and mind. One that's capable of looking past the outward and seeing what's truly important in every human being. The cure for the Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner tragedies is not education or exposure. It's the Gospel. So, finally, I'M ENCOURAGED because the Gospel gives mankind hope."

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