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The Censorship of Alternative Media is Virtual Book Burning
Aug 27th, 2019
Categories: Warning

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Recent discussions about an executive order that would "help protect" conservatives from bias on social media have brought a bone of contention to the forefront. Are alternative and conservative media actually being censored or are non-mainstream journalists and bloggers just whining?

As the owner of a website that is demonstrably facing censorship, I can tell you that from my point of view, we Americans are currently in the midst of a virtual "book burning" akin to the ones we look back on in shame.

The history of book burning

As early as 221 BC in China, the burning of books has always foreshadowed a crackdown on dissent and information. It's probably no surprise that Adolph Hitler ordered the burning of "subversive" books in Nazi Germany, and the McCarthy era brought public burnings of any book that could be - if one's imagination was stretched to the absolute limit - related to communism.  There are many cases of modern-day book burning, and it generally links to opposing views, either religious, social, or political.

In the past, torching texts was a tactic used by conquerors to wipe the slate of history clean. In 213 B.C., China's Emperor Shih Huang Ti thought that if he burned all the documents in his kingdom, history would begin with him. (He went as far as burying alive those scholars who continued to teach old ideas.)

Eight centuries later, legend says, Caliph Omar burned some 200,000 objectionable books belonging to the library of Alexandria, warming the city's baths for six months.

When the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258, the waters of the Tigris were said to have run black with ink from all the destroyed books.

In 1492, after the Spanish conquered Granada, the last Muslim kingdom in Western Europe, they allegedly emptied many of the city's treasured libraries and set their contents all to flame.

Then there are those who have burned books to silence opposing views.

Catholics torched the writings of Protestant reformer Martin Luther.

The Nazis lit a towering bonfire of books by Jewish and leftist writers such as Franz Kafka, Sigmund Freud and Upton Sinclair.

And many 1950s Americans, spurred by Senator Joseph McCarthy, hunted for procommunism books to burn. 

Nothing like a handy memory hole, right?

These days, as more and more people turn to the Internet for essays and news, dissenting views are more often found online than in paperback. And there are people in power who want this to stop because particularly after the last election, they've seen the power the Internet has to change the entire course of a country.

Big Tech and Big Media hold most of the microphones and they like it that way. They tend to be united politically and they've been busily working toward silencing opposing views on the Internet, branding them as "dangerous" or "ignorant." Members of the alternative media, writers of alternative health news, and opinion bloggers are being censored at a rapid clip.

How is silencing opposing views on the Internet any different than burning a library filled with inconvenient information?

First, we need to define modern censorship.

Opposing views on the Internet can be silenced in a number of ways. Keep in mind you don't have to like the examples I provide here. If they came for these people or websites, they can come for your favorites next until all we have left is a government-controlled media. This has happened in China and Venezuela, just to name a couple of places.

Some of the ways our virtual books are being burned are deplatforming (when people can no longer publicly express their opinions), being hidden by search engines (when readers can no longer find the information), and financial starvation (when site owners can no longer afford to keep running the website or pay writers and researchers.)

Some examples of deplatforming

The first way is called deplatforming. This means that all of the places where a person or entity was once able to be heard are taken away. Next, they attack the earning potential of websites. Soon, the sites under attack are only able to be located if you've bookmarked them. If they're able to even stay in business. I wrote recently about the costs of running a website the size of mine, which is only a fraction of the cost of big sites like Infowars or Natural News.

Let's go into more detail about deplatforming. Again, it doesn't matter if you think these sites are the best thing since sliced bread or if you think the people running them are lunatics. Free speech doesn't just mean the speech with which you agree.

Take Mike Adams of Natural News for example. Love him or hate him, he has a massive following of people who have found his work valuable. He has been removed from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Because Adams has the financial means, he responded by starting his own version of YouTube for the banned and censored called Brighteon.

But even worse for Adams is the fact that he got delisted from Google. In this business, Google is just about everything. You can talk about DuckDuckGo and Bing all you want. Google is the leviathan of the industry and most readers use it. Being delisted means that even if someone searches for an article with your site name, the article will not show up in the results.

This also happened to Alex Jones and his site Infowars. He was deplatformed by Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify, all at about the same time, which certainly suggests all the Big Tech companies are in cahoots. It wasn't long after that Jones's days at Twitter were also over.

This has happened to quite a few other alternative media sites, as I wrote last year.

Yesterday, the alternative media purge was boldly advanced in a coordinated effort to silence people who dissent from establishment views. It's just one more step toward a monopoly on information by those who hate freedom. At this rate, they'll soon have unquestioned access to the minds of more than 2 billion people. And this should terrify everyone who wants to be free to question the status quo and to seek a wide range of information.

Hundreds of alternative media site administrators logged onto Facebook to discover that their accounts had been removed. Soon after, many of these sites and their writers found that their Twitter accounts had also been suspended.

Popular pages like The AntiMedia (2.1 million fans), The Free Thought Project (3.1 million fans), Press for Truth (350K fans), are just a few of the ones which were unpublished. 

Another prime example of deplatforming was Sayer Ji's newsletter service suddenly closing down his account without notice or appeal. Ji's website, GreenMedInfo, had hundreds of thousands of subscribers when MailChimp closed them down for "anti-vaccine content."

GreenMedInfo has used Mailchimp as an email service provider for over 10 years, with an account in good standing and excellent compliance relative to the industry statistics. They've charged us, on average, $3,000 a month to send out our free newsletter to a global subscriber base of over 300,000, all who voluntarily opted into our list to receive our content. Since 2007, we've used their service for sending out hundreds of millions of free newsletter emails to over 200 countries around the world. We have never sent content to individuals without their consent, nor without them first asking us to do so. 

GreenMed Info was also banned from Pinterest.

Why don't we have the right to get information from an expert researcher who disagrees with the status quo? Why don't we have the right to opposing points of view on a wide variety of topics? Are we deemed too ignorant to figure out what's fact and what's fiction?

Do you know what they call a government that has a total lock on information the public is allowed to access?


North Korea.

Pick your communist government of choice where alternative information is outlawed.

Google keeps "updating" alternative media out of business.

Google is a massive purveyor of traffic to any website. Whether you personally use Google as your search engine doesn't matter. Billions of people do use Google. So when they type in a question looking

 for the answer to a question and alternative sources are five pages back, those people are unlikely to get that far and find our information.

You may or may not have heard about Google's infamous algorithm changes. Every few months, the web search engine performs an update and sites either win or lose. Sometimes they lose big. The most recent update, nicknamed the Medic Update, is analyzed here.

In each of these examples, you have a passionate subgroup that is much more vocal online (read: linking more) than a silent majority that reflects mainstream viewpoints.

It seems that in the Medic Update Google decided they couldn't risk passionate alternative viewpoints overwhelming the search results on sensitive YMYL topics.

The last major update was in July, which was then tweaked again in August. These updates targeted alternative health sites to "protect" people from "dangerous information." Sites that question vaccines, pharmaceuticals as the first line for everything, or promote nutritional changes over medication got buried in the update.

Many of the alternative health sites that declined were leaders in their niche, like DrAxe, SelfHacked, Mercola, or WellnessMama. However, much of their authority came from other similar sites, and rarely did they manage to break into earning links from sites with extremely high TrustRank.

Sites that gained in the latest Google algorithm update, like,, HealthLine,, and all managed to earn a significant number of links from mainstream, high TrustRank websites. begs to differ with the claim that they gained.

We're finally posting this after a recent search-engine update, but past updates weren't any gentler. Over the past 2.5 years, Google has decreased traffic to by roughly 90%.'s SEO traffic is way down.

Let's be clear: Google owes us nothing. They are a private organization, they can do whatever they want.

And obviously I'm a little biased -- I've been working on for over eight years now.

But I would argue that we provide more reliable, nuanced, and honest information than anyone else out there. If Google's goal is to organize information and help people find what they are looking for while protecting them from scammers, they should see in us an ally for many health topics.

The latest update was roughly a month ago, and it essentially wiped us out. 

The "Medic Update" seemed to focus in particular on websites that provided information about vaccine choice and alternative medicine.

I personally got hit in the tweak of this algorithm change, about a month after the original, although out of more than 2000 published articles less than 5% contains alternative medical content. (This article probably isn't going to help my case.) 

This has definitely hurt. Not in just getting fewer people here, but in the pocket, too. Which leads me to the next way our virtual books are being burned.

Alternative sites are losing money hand over fist.

When Alex Jones got deplatformed, not only did he lose access to millions of followers, he lost a massive chunk of money too. First, his advertising network dropped him, then other advertisers headed for the hills, leaving him with an estimated $5 million a year in lost revenue.

And Jones is not alone. In the same article where I outlined the costs of running my website, I also explained in detail previously how websites like mine make money. When blogs and websites lose the ability to fund the expenses, at some point, they're going to have no option but to fold.

There are multiple ways that alternative media outlets are losing money.

The Mind Unleashed, a fantastic website where I get a lot of my own news, was recently dropped without warning by their advertising network.

The AntiMedia and The Free Thought Project were both hit by the alternative media purge that I mentioned early, resulting in a loss of reach to millions of followers, which in return leads to a loss of revenue. And in this business, believe me, out of sight is out of mind. This has happened to me, too. Suddenly, with the last update, my pageviews plummeted from about 20,000 per day to 6,000 per day. When your income is dependent upon people getting to your website, that can dramatically decrease your income.

Other people have suddenly lost their merchant accounts that process credit card payments for their products, Alex Jones being one of them.

YouTube has demonetized thousands of videos and creators with alternative points of view. PayPal, GoFundMe, and Patreon have disabled the accounts of people considered to be "alt-right."

Basically, Big Tech and Big Media can and will starve content creators out of business if they don't like what the websites and videos have to say.

Don't get me wrong. I find some of the points of view that have been censored to be repugnant. But free speech is free speech. If you truly believe in our First Amendment right to dissent, share our grievances, and have a free press, even abhorrent opinions are covered. While the extreme levels of this crackdown have hit more extreme websites first, never think that it won't continue until only a homogenized and politically correct media is all we have left.

Fake News

The new catchphrase to brush of any web content you don't like is "fake news."

While some information out there is decidedly slanted, other information that is called "fake news" is just stuff the reader, search engine, or social media outlet doesn't like. It has become commonplace to call any outlet with which you disagree "fake news."

Facebook has rolled out its own Ministry of Truth a la Orwell by having their "fact-checkers" go through posts and add an article from a site they like better to inform readers about the veracity of the article. Trouble is, the fact checks come from decidedly political outlets but are presented as the unbiased truth.

Of course, if your website is branded "fake news" then you are on the road to Silenceville in any of the multitudes of ways discussed above.

So how is this like book burning?

Back to my main thesis now, this purge of alternative points of view is nothing less than virtual book burning. If content creators are discredited, financially starved, and hidden from view, we'll soon only have one point of view available. It will be that of the people who hold all the microphones, the people who control all the platforms.

Sure, we will still have our loyal friends and readers, but we will lose the ability to reach other people. And even if those other people come looking for the information we provide, they won't be able to find us. Libraries and libraries of alternative content will be online but the doors will be chained shut by search engines and social media outlets. 

Other pieces of information - information that is critical of the government or the politically correct cause of the day - will be completely destroyed, removed from the Internet, removed from Amazon, and turned into virtual ash.

Maybe because the purveyor couldn't afford to keep it online because he or she was starved out of business. Maybe because the decision-makers of what we're allowed to see decided we weren't allowed to see that.

Decisions are made based on the information available to people. When that information is limited, so too are our choices.

You may think it's fine when it's the work of people you consider "extreme" being burned.

A lot of people reading this probably think that I'm nuts, defending extremists and people who may not be very nice. But, if you look closely, you'll see I'm not defending those people or their points of view. I'm defending the right to express what one believes, regardless of how heinous I may find their opinions.

We've all read this quote by Martin Niemöller, a prominent Lutheran pastor during the days of Nazi Germany.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

The thing that many people don't realize is that Niemöller was originally pro-Third Reich and enthusiastically embraced the teachings of Adolph Hitler. But then in 1934, he met Hitler and discovered his own telephone had been tapped by the Gestapo. He suddenly saw that he had been complicit through his support in what had become a maniacal dictatorship and ethnic cleansing and from that day forth, vehemently opposed Hitler.

You see, everything changed when he got more information.

It changed when he learned the truth about what was espoused by the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, the only news available at that time in Nazi Germany. It changed when he learned things that the government kept hidden.

Those people cheering the fall of Alex Jones, Mike Adams, the "Alt-Right," and any other politically incorrect information will be very surprised when they are targeted next. They'll be shocked when their writings are destroyed and their websites are hidden.

That's how the slippery slope of censorship works. It's fine when it happens to the crazy people or those with whom you disagree.

But it's going to be a shock when your own books are thrown on a bonfire because the needle of what the government or Big Tech deems acceptable has moved.

Let the Headlines Speak
Aug 27th, 2019
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

Erdogan says Turkish troops will enter planned Syria safe zone ‘soon’
Turkish ground troops will enter a planned safe zone in northern Syria “very soon,” President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday, after a joint operation center with the United States opened at the weekend. Turkey and the United States agreed earlier this month to set up the joint center for the planned safe zone along Syria’s northeastern border, but gave few details on the size of the zone or the command structure of the forces to operate there.

Head of Iran’s Quds Force threatens Israel
Qassem Soleimani, head of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, threatened Israel on Sunday after the Jewish state thwarted a planned Iranian drone attack. “These insane operations will surely be the last steps of the Zionist regime,” he wrote on Twitter.

Far-right surge rattles guardians of Nazi era remembrance
Defenders of Germany’s sacrosanct atonement for the Nazis’ crimes — the foundation of its Basic Law and political culture — warn it is coming under calculated assault from right-wing extremists. And ahead of three state elections in the coming weeks in which the AfD is set to do well, Germans like Drecoll are growing nervous about erosion of the country’s culture of remembrance, which many experts argue is unique in the world. The far-right AfD could come in first in Brandenburg as well as neighboring Saxony…

Abbas Reveals Secret Plot to Invade Jerusalem with ‘a Million Fighters’
In a video that was recently recovered and translated by MEMRI, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said while addressing a terror rally at the Jalazone village near Ramallah that: “We shall enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters!” along with the “entire Islamic nation”. The PA chairman added that: “every building built by the Zionist occupation will be destroyed. The statements were made while the crowd chanted “To Jerusalem, we march, martyrs by the millions!”

Netanyahu: Syria Strike Shows ‘Iran Has No Immunity Anywhere’
Israel announced on Sunday than it had carried out an airstrike overnight Saturday against Iranian forces and Shi’ite militias in Syria that were planning to attack the Jewish state with explosives-laden drones. “In a major operational effort, we have thwarted an attack against Israel by the Iranian Quds Force & Shi’ite militias.

Cryptocurrency becoming terrorists’ lifeblood
Terrorists already are using cryptocurrencies to fund their attacks, support jihadists and subsidize their families, according to the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Ex-CEO Claims He Was in Room When Political Espionage Against Trump Happened, Leaves Fox Panel Nearly Speechless
In an interview that can be described as jaw-dropping, baffling and downright unbelievable, former CEO Patrick Byrne told a panel on Fox Business Network’s “Bulls & Bears” that he played a role in a significant “political espionage” campaign carried out against Donald Trump, among other political candidates and officeholders. Byrne did not seem to consider the alleged 2015 contact from federal investigators to be especially out of the ordinary. He did, however, say the alleged orders he received through those contacts were “a little fishy.”Then Byrne dropped the bomb. The name of the man who sent me the orders was…

Lacy Johnson Announces Run for Congress Against Ilhan Omar
With your help, I will make Ilhan Omar’s first term her last term. “I believe that family is the basic building block of any strong and productive society,”… Johnson’s platform is pro-Trump and pro-Israel. Johnson wants to increase competition in the public school system and supports proven strategies to reduce the achievement gap.

“Palestinian Territories” Disappear from State Dept Website As If They Never Existed
The U.S. State Department updated its website, removing ‘Palestinian Territories’ from its updated list of countries. Though “Palestinian Territories” is still listed in the archived content, the term is no longer listed on their updated website list of countries as well as their list of Near Eastern countries.

Tropical Storm Dorian is expected to turn into a hurricane this week. Here’s where the storm is heading.
Tropical Storm Dorian in the Atlantic is expected to strengthen to a Category 1 hurricane this week. Currently situated northeast of French Guiana in the Atlantic, the storm is expected to strengthen into a Category 1 hurricane by Wednesday morning…

Iran Critics Say Macron’s Surprise G7 Invite to Zarif ‘Disrespectful’ to Trump
President Emmanuel Macron’s surprise invitation to Iran’s controversial foreign minister to drop by the weekend G7 summit in France is hosting drew mixed reactions from observers, but former ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley did not hold back, accusing Macron of being “completely disrespectful” to President Trump and other G7 leaders.

As Long As Enemies Of The State Keep Dying Before Trial, No One Should Trust The State
There is no other way to say it: It was a political assassination…

BREAKING: Joe Walsh’s 2020 primary Trump challenge is funded by Soros
With Soros funded John Kasich saying that he sees ‘no path to challenging Trump in GOP primary, it seems the Open Society foundations Stalwart has set his sights on a new strategy in the form of Joe Walsh.

2020 Democrats Trip Over Themselves on Radical Gun Buyback
Liberal Democrats, frustrated by inaction in Congress on gun control, appear ready to embrace a radical proposal that wouldn’t stop one single mass shooting, but would make them feel good about not solving the problem.

Taxpayers Must Pay for Convicted Pedophile’s Gender Reassignment Surgery: Court
A federal court has ruled that taxpayers in the state of Idaho will have to pay for a convicted pedophile to undergo “gender reassignment” surgery while in prison for abusing a minor.

Past Sex Offenders Participate in Children’s ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ at Local Libraries
Over the past year, the Austin Public Library in Texas has allowed a sex offender to read to children during “Drag Queen Story Time,” a pro-family organization has learned. This is the latest development in a series of related findings this year.

Israeli Air Force Saturday Strikes Iranian Forces In Damascus To Stop Iran From Launching Drone Attack At Targets In Northern Israel
Israel and Iran are not ‘going to war’, they have been at war and fighting each other openly for quite sometime now. Israel has made hundreds of attacks on Iranian targets in Syria, and Iran continues to attack Israel through their Hamas proxies in the Gaza Strip. This under the radar war has produced hundreds of casualties with thousands injured, and no end in sight to the hostilities.

Duke University Shrink: Trump May Be Worse Than Hitler, Stalin, And Mao
“Trump is as destructive a person as Hitler, Stalin and Mao… may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were… He needs to be contained…”

Homicides Of Young Brazilian Males Higher Than Syria And Iraq, Report Says
“Homicide victims are mostly black boys who live on the outskirts of the major cities. They are out of school and come from low-income families.” 

Every Man's Money Was in the Mouth of His Sack - Genesis 43:21
Aug 27th, 2019
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

Joseph, who gave corn to save his own brethren and the Gentiles from starvation, is a type of Him who gives the bread of life to Jew and Greek - to all that hunger and come to Him for supplies. And in this return of the full money in the sack's mouth, we are reminded that salvation and satisfaction are all of grace. They are without money and without price. Whatever we yield to Him, He returns in full weight.

We bring Him works of merit as a price of our pardon; but they are not noticed.

We bring Him emotion, tears, anguish of soul; but He will have none of them.

We bring Him our faith as a price, instead of as a hand that accepts; and He refuses it.

How many are our mistakes and misunderstandings! Yet He does not for that reason withhold His blessed gift. We get the corn as an act of His free grace; and afterward He explains why it was that our careful dues were not accepted.

There is bread enough in God to supply every mouth of desire and hunger in your soul. You may have it for the seeking. The law is - ask, and have. What if you have no money with which to purchase, no earnestness, no merit! Nevertheless the best wheat of heaven may be yours. Our Father's love is constantly devising means of expressing itself. It puts money into our sacks; it invites us to its home, and spreads banquets before us; it inclines stewards to meet us peacefully; it washes our feet; it takes a tender interest in those we love; it wishes us grace from God; it adjusts itself to our temperaments and puts us at our ease, so that gleams of light as to the love of Jesus strike into our hearts!

Crash of the 'everything Bubble' will be Blamed on Trump & Conservatives
Aug 27th, 2019
Categories: Warning

News Image

One thing that is important to understand about the mainstream media is that they do tell the truth on occasion. However, the truths they admit to are almost always wrapped in lies or told to the public far too late to make the information useful.   

Dissecting mainstream media (MSM) information and sifting out the truth from the propaganda is really the bulk of what the alternative media does (or should be doing).  In the past couple of weeks I have received a rush of emails asking about the sudden flood of recession and economic crash talk in the media.  

Does this abrupt 180 degree turn by the MSM (and global banks) on the economy warrant concern?  Yes, it does.

The first inclination of a portion of the liberty movement will be to assume that mainstream reports of imminent economic crisis are merely an attempt to tarnish the image of the Trump Administration, and that the talk of recession is "overblown".  

This is partially true; Trump is meant to act as scapegoat, but this is not the big picture.  The fact is, the pattern the media is following today matches almost exactly with the pattern they followed leading up to the credit crash of 2008.  Make no mistake, a financial crash is indeed happening right now, just as it did after media warnings in 2007/2008, and the reasons why the MSM is admitting to it today are calculated.

Before we get to that, we should examine how the media reacted during the lead up to the crash of 2008.

Multiple mainstream outlets ignored all the crash signals in 2005 and 2006 despite ample warnings from alternative economists. In fact, they mostly laughed at the prospect of the biggest bull market in the history of stocks and housing (at that time) actually collapsing. Then abruptly the media and the globalist institutions that dictate how the news is disseminated shifted position and started talking about "recession" and "crash potential". 

From the New York Times to The Telegraph to Reuters and others, as well as the IMF, BIS and Federal Reserve officials - Everyone suddenly started agreeing with alternative economists without actually deferring to them or giving them any credit for making the correct financial calls.

In 2007/2008, the discussion revolved around derivatives, a subject just complicated enough to confuse the majority of people and cause them to be disinterested in the root trigger for the economic crisis, which was central bankers creating and deflating bubbles through policy engineering. Instead, the public just wanted to know how the crash was going to be fixed. 

Yes, some blame went to the banking system, but almost no one at the top was punished (only one banker in the US actually faced fraud charges). Ultimately, the crisis was pinned on a "perfect storm" of coincidences, and the central banks were applauded for their "swift action" in using stimulus and QE to save us all from a depression level event. The bankers were being referred to as "heroes".

Of course, central bank culpability was later explored, and Alan Greenspan even admitted partial responsibility, saying the Fed knew there was a bubble, but was "not aware" of how dangerous it really was. This was a lie. 

According to Fed minutes from 2004, Greenspan sought to silence any dissent on the housing bubble issue, saying that it would stir up debate on a process that "only the Fed understood". Meaning, there was indeed discussion on housing and credit warning signs, but Greenspan snuffed it out to prevent the public from hearing about it.

Today we have a very similar dynamic. Use of the "R word" in the mainstream media and among central banks has been strictly contained for the past several years.  In the October 2012 Fed minutes, Jerome Powell specifically warned of what would happen if the Federal Reserve tightened liquidity and raised interest rates into economic weakness. 

He warned that this would have negative effects on the stimulus addicted investment environment that the central bank had fostered.  This discussion was held back from the public until only a year-and-a-half ago.  As soon as Powell became chairman, he implemented those exact actions.

Only in the past year has talk of recession begun to break out, and only in the past couple of weeks have outlets become aggressive in pushing the notion that a financial crash is just around the corner. The reality is that if one removes the illusory support of central bank stimulus, our economy never left the "Great Recession" of 2008.  

Signals of renewed sharp declines in economic fundamentals have been visible since before the 2016 elections.  Alarms have been blaring on housing, auto markets, manufacturing, freight and shipping, historic debt levels, the yield curve, etc. since at least winter of last year, just as the Fed raised rates to their neutral rate of inflation and increased asset cuts from the balance sheet to between $30 billion to $50 billion or more per month.

The media should have been reporting on economic crisis dangers for the past 2-3 years.  But, they didn't give these problems much credence until recently.  So, what changed?

I can only theorize on why the media and the banking elites choose the timing they do to admit to the public what is about to happen. First, it is clear from their efforts to stifle free discussion that they do not want to let the populace know too far ahead of time that a crash is coming. 

According to the evidence, which I have outlined in-depth in previous articles, central banks and international banks sometimes engineer crash events in order to consolidate wealth and centralize their political power even further. Is it a conspiracy? Yes, it is, and it's a provable one.

When they do finally release the facts, or allow their puppet media outlets to report on the facts, it seems that they allow for around 6-8 months of warning time before economic shock events occur. In the case of the current crash in fundamentals (and eventually stocks), the time may be shorter. 

Why? Because this time the banks and the media have a scapegoat in the form of Donald Trump, and by extension, they have a scapegoat in the form of conservatives, populists, and sovereignty activists.

The vast majority of articles flowing through mainstream news feeds on economic recession refer directly to Trump, his supporters and the trade war as the primary villains behind the downturn. The warnings from the Fed, the BIS and the IMF insinuate the same accusation.

Everyone knows my primary concern has been that the globalists will crash the Everything Bubble on Trump's watch, and then blame all conservatives for the consequences.

To be clear, Trump is not the cause of the Everything Bubble, nor is he the cause of its current implosion. No president has the power to trigger a collapse of this magnitude, only central banks have that power. 

Admissions of crisis in the media are coinciding directly with Trump's policy actions. In other words, Trump is providing perfect cover for the central banks to crash the economy without receiving any of the blame. 

Trump's insistence on taking full credit for the bubble in stock markets as well as fraudulent GDP and employment numbers, after specifically warning about all of these things during his election campaign, has now tied the economy like a noose around the necks of conservatives. The tone of warning in the media indicates to me that the banking elites are about to tighten that noose.

Another factor on our timeline beyond Trump's helpful geopolitical distractions is the possibility of a 'No-Deal' Brexit in October.  I continue to believe this outcome (or something very similar) has been pushed into inevitability by former Prime Minister Theresa May and EU globalists, and that it will be used as yet another scapegoat for the now accelerating crash in the EU.  

With Germany on the verge of admitting recession, Deutsche Bank on the edge of insolvency, Italy nearing political and financial crisis, etc., it is only a matter of months before Europe sees its own "Lehman moment".  The Brexit is, in my view, a marker for a timeline on when the crash will hit its stride.

To summarize, the mainstream media and global banking institutions have two goals in informing the public about recession right now - They are seeking to cover themsleves from blame when the next shoe drops so they can say they "tried to warn us", and, they are conditioning a majority of the public to automatically blame conservatives and sovereignty proponents when the consequences hit them without mercy.

As the truth of a recession smacks the public in the face, the media will likely pull back slightly, just as they did in 2008, and suggest that the downturn is "temporary".  They will claim it's "not a repeat of the credit crisis", or that it will "subside after Trump is out of office".  

These will all be lies designed to keep the public complacent even as the house of cards collapses around them.  The fact is, the hard data shows that economic conditions in the US and in most of the world are far more unstable than they were in 2008.  

We are not looking at the crash of a credit bubble, we are looking at the crash of the 'Everything Bubble'.

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