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Tisha B'av:
Jul 8th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Ari Soffer
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

For millions of Jews across the world, Tish'a B'Av (the 9th Day of the Hebrew month of Av) is a day of sadness, mourning and reflection over the destruction of the ancient Jewish Temples, which stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The day is traditionally marked by fasting, prayer and reciting the book of Eicha, also known as Lamentations, which recounts the destruction of the First Temple (Beit Hamikdash in Hebrew) by the Babylonians some two and a half thousand years ago. The Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE by Imperial Rome on the same day in the Hebrew calendar.

Both events were accompanied by widescale massacres of the city's Jewish inhabitants, and spelled the end of Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel - in the latter case for nearly 2,000 years, until the establishment of the modern State of Israel. The day is also used to commemorate various major tragedies which occurred during the Galut, or Exile, of the Jewish nation from its land.

One group, however, feels that many Jews have missed the point, and is trying to restore a collective focus on "the true meaning of Tish'a B'Av."

The Temple Institute is an organization, based in Jerusalem's Old City, which seeks to educate the Jewish and wider public on the history and essence of the Temple. Its International Department, headed by Rabbi Chaim Richman, "provides direct access to the world of the Holy Temple" through educational programs, publications and online lectures.

In preparation for Tish'a B'Av, the Institute has released a video, entitled "The Children are Ready II". The video follows a similar campaign last year, when the Temple Institute's viral video reached an audience of over 1 million viewers.

Now, the Temple Institute has released a sequel which will begin a new genre of Jewish world videos.

The Children are Ready II depicts an emotional journey that begins in a synagogue during the traditional mourning and lamentations of the 9th of Av and ends with a dramatic twist in which the next generation demonstrates their willingness for change and an end to the mourning. The two and a half minute video is likely to emotionally shake up Jewish communities worldwide by reframing the holiday, focusing away from the past and towards the future.

Last year, The Children are Ready inadvertently outraged the Arab world with the Egyptian government releasing a formal complaint and rebuttal videos made by Hamas and other Islamist organizations. The uproar was raised by a coincidental scene in which a newspaper that featured an article on Mohammed Morsi's election fell on the ground.

"The Temple Institute wants people to focus on the true meaning of Tisha B'Av," said Rabbi Chaim Richman, international director of the Temple Institute. "Tisha B'Av is not about just mourning, it is about contemplating a world devoid of the Holy Temple, a house of peace and prayer for all nations, and it's about asking: when will the mourning stop?" he added.

Through its educational programs, publications and multimedia lectures online, the Temple Institute's International Department provides direct access to the world of the Holy Temple. The International Department is headed by Rabbi Chaim Richman, a Torah scholar and world renowned expert on the Holy Temple and its significance to mankind. The Temple Institute's English website is the largest online educational resource dealing with The Holy Temple.

Recent Events Show American Children in Grave Increased Danger of Sexual Abuse
Jul 8th, 2013
Daily News
Deborah Dombrowski
Categories: Commentary;Moral Decline

As I read the headlines on the computer screen from an article a Lighthouse Trails reader had sent me the morning of July 6th, I remembered another headline I had seen just the day before. One was about a child pornography sex ring, and the other was about Obama. Putting those two stories together with this year’s earlier events of the Boy Scouts of America lifting the ban on openly homosexual scouts, I knew I would be writing an article myself, one that would be considered most un-politically correct by today’s standards. But that didn’t matter – it was the children I was concerned about.

Just by the headlines, I knew before even reading the story, it was going to be bad: “Model gay adoptive ‘fathers’ sexually abused 6-year-old for years: offered him to pedophile ring.” A homosexual ”couple” who lived in Australia (one of the men is American) adopted a baby boy from a Russian woman to whom they had paid $8,000 to be a surrogate mother. One news story wrote, ”Adam was handed over to [Mark] Newton and [Peter] Truong a mere five days after his birth in 2005.” The story of the adoption was actually highly publicized to show how a homosexual couple was no different than any other loving adoptive couple. But as this and other news stories have broken over this case, this was no loving couple. On the contrary, according to news sources, Newton and Truong are members of an international syndicate called Boy Lovers Network.  One of the U.S. investigator’s on the case said it was “one of the worst [pedophile] rings” he had ever heard of.  And he used the word “depraved” in describing what happened to the little boy. The men began sexually abusing the boy at 22 months old (some reports say even earlier than that). In the course of four years, the boy was molested by several other men, and the abuse was often turned into child pornography (a very “lucrative” industry). Newton, the American pedophile “father,” was sentenced to 40 years in prison on June 28th in a U.S. District court because of his role in the abuse. According to prosecutors, Truong has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing. 

After reading this tragic story, I recalled the headlines of another story I had read the day before, “Obama Uses African Trip as Platform to Urge Nations to Decriminalize Homosexual Behavior.” The president of the United States was calling for countries around the world to legalize homosexuality. How ironic was this! The article, written by Christian News Network, stated:

“During his visit to Senegal, a largely Muslim country, Obama praised the United States Supreme Court for its decision to strike down key parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, stating that it was a “victory for American democracy and a proud day for equal rights.” He called upon African governments to likewise work to make homosexuals equal under the law, comparing the “controversial” issue in Africa to the American civil rights battle of the 1960s.”

Earlier this year, as many know, the Boy Scouts of America, under pressure by homosexual activists and the U.S. media, caved in and removed a long-standing ban on openly practicing homosexual scouts.GLAAD and other homosexual activists immediately began their next campaign – for the Boy Scouts to allow openly practicing homosexual leaders into the scouts. We have no doubt now that this will happen – it’s just a matter of time.

And then just last week, to make matters worse, Alan Chambers, the founder and director of the Christian organization Exodus International (a ministry to help homosexuals come out of that lifestyle) shut down the organization and made a public “apology” to the homosexual community for what he had done to them all these years. It was a devastating blow and betrayal to those Christians who have sincerely and lovingly worked to help homosexuals. And as we stated in an article, it was more “fruit” of the emerging church.

As Lighthouse Trails has been testifying to for many years, where there is homosexuality, there will be often be pedophilia. Are we saying that every homosexual will molest children? No. But when lust is let loose with no constraints (which is the category that homosexuality falls under), the “flesh” (i.e., the sin nature – which the Bible says is wicked and perverse) can never be satisfied. Carnality has an appetite that only grows the more you feed it. And like drug addiction, sex addiction when allowed to run freely must have “harder drugs” (in this case sex) to be satisfied. So, the practicing homosexual, just like the practicing pornography addict, is at greater risk of turning to molesting children than the person who does not give in to his lusts and sexual appetites.

As we have watched in horror the fall of the United States by its huge pornography (including child pornography) industry and now the  embracing of the homosexual lifestyle and the destruction of the family (the God-given core of civilization) through the same-sex marriage laws, we have no doubt that child molestation in this country is going to escalate greatly. But what we predict will happen, as has already happened in other places (such as Amsterdam) and other time periods, child molestation will no longer be a crime. Impossible!, you say. Not at all. In 1973, the American Psychological Association (APA) changed the category of homosexuality from abnormal to normal. Then,  in 1998, the APA released a “research” report in their publication, Psychological Bulletin, which stated that sexual relations with children is not necessarily harmful to them. And here we have an activist for homosexuality in the White House, voted in twice by the American people – and the damage has only just begun.

In 2006, when it came out that mega-pastor Ted Haggard was caught having a two-year homosexual relationship with a prostitute, I wrote an article titled, “Ted Haggard Story Will Raise Serious Questions For All.” It was in that article I told our readers that I was the Catherine Brown of Laughter Calls Me (a very personal account of how my children were the victims of a child pornography sex ring many years ago). And what I find troubling is that many of today’s American adults are ignorant of reality when it comes to the magnitude of children who are being abused in this country. I remember after our Haggard article came out, a reporter called me in my Lighthouse Trails office and said she did not believe child pornography was a big problem or a multi-million dollar industry as we have often stated. I told her to call the Los Angeles Police Department’s child exploitation division and ask them to show her the 15+ foot wall of gym lockers that were stuffed with confiscated evidence of child pornography. I know it’s there – I have stood in front of that wall of filth and gazed in shock upon some of its contents. And that was just one city of hundreds throughout this country with similar caches.

In my Ted Haggard article, I stated:

What does homosexuality and pornography do to families? Add to that the victimization of children, which is often the case, and you have the ingredients to destroy a society. Throw in drugs and New Age mysticism . . . and you have little to hold on to.

Anyone who does not realize what is happening to children needs to have his head examined. And anyone who does not see the connection between pornography – homosexuality  – and child molestation is not putting two and two together.

A different, but related, tragedy we are watching unfold is the fast-changing views of the evangelical and Protestant church regarding homosexuality. We have written about this many times, and Roger Oakland wrote about it in his book Faith Undone calling it the “new” sexuality.  We’re not going to repeat ourselves in this article, but you can read one recent article where we documented this change: “We Said it Would Happen, and It Has – CNN: ‘At evangelical colleges, a shifting attitude toward gay students.’” 

A few years ago, one of the Lighthouse Trails readers, whom we had come to know personally, told us that weeks after their 18-year-old son graduated from the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa High School, he announced to them that he was “gay.” Today, at twenty-something, their son has gone fully into the homosexual lifestyle, recently announcing to them he was moving across the country with his new- found boyfriend. Are we saying that it is Calvary Chapel’s fault that this boy became homosexual? No, not directly or entirely anyway. But as we wrote about in 2009, the Calvary Chapel High School was introducing their students to contemplative authors, and we have time and again shown the connection between contemplative – emerging – and a growing laxed view on homosexuality. They have always gone hand in hand, and they will continue to do so. Why? Because the premise behind each is the antithesis of sinful man needing a Savior, but rather it is man can be his own God. Each is earthly, sensual, and devilish (James 3:15) and only feeds the lusts and carnality of men and women.

While we probably are not going to be able to stop the freight train of destruction that America’s politicians, Supreme Court justices, activists, and lobbyists have the country on, as Christian believers, we must continue our efforts to call out to Christian leaders to stop going down the path they are on, repent (turn around), and get going in the right direction. Christian leaders, you are calling for some kind of national repentance and turn around, but you yourselves are embracing the very spirituality that is causing much of America’s ruin. Can not just one major Christian leader come forth, humble himself, and admit that the contemplative/emerging mystical paradigm shift is wrong and dangerous? You may not think that has anything to do with children being molested, but remember, there is only one root of evil – that enemy of God – the Devil and his forces – and he is the father of all sin. Whether it’s practicing contemplative prayer, practicing homosexuality, or molesting children – it’s all coming from the same source. Yes, that is an indicting statement.

We are exhorted in the Bible to run to the light – that Light who is Jesus Christ. We are to resist evil and cling to that which is good. There are only two choices – toward the Light or toward the darkness!

If the Christian leaders and pastors in North America would truly repent, many would follow, and there could be genuine pure revival. It won’t be a politically correct revival, keep in mind, and won’t win over the masses (like a coming false revival will do). But it will return many to their first love and will save many out of the fire of destruction. What’s more, one fruit of such a true revival would  mean fewer kids being sexually abused. That’s one thing you can be sure of. As I stated in my 2006 Haggard article,  ”Christian leaders, as a whole, have been walking in deception and sin for some time, and they have bankrupted the Christian church at the price of truth, and souls have been lost because of it.”

 As I sit here writing this article, another headline has come across my desk this morning,” ‘The Boxtrolls’ Trailer, New Animated Film By Laika, Features Gay Parents.” The article states:

Laika, the same company that brought us “Coraline” and last year’s Oscar-nominated “Paranorman,” returns with the trailer for their next feature, “The Boxtrolls.” Anyone who saw “Paranorman” (co-directed by out director Chris Butler) knows the film’s punchline when cheerleader Courtney (voiced by Anna Kendrick) asks meathead jock, Mitch (voiced by Casey Affleck), to a romantic movie, only to find out he’s gay with a boyfriend.

Having an out gay person as a lead character was a first for a mainstream animated film, and the film not only received an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature, but also a GLAAD Media Award Nomination as well.

The culture we live in, dear Christian, has dramatically changed. The Bible says these last days will be like that. What is good is being called evil, and what is evil is being called good. But if the church loses its love for the truth, how can we share the truth of the Gospel with the unsaved if we no longer have it ourselves. Remember the warnings Jesus gave in Revelation to the churches. May we heed those warnings while there is still time to do it:

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2:4-5)

I want to end with a note of exhortation to Christian believers who are remaining faithful to the truth and the Gospel and who understand the times in which we live. In my 2006 article, I stated:

As leaders like Rick Warren have contacted us at Lighthouse Trails, and as I have seen first hand their efforts to defend themselves and cover up the truth, I have wondered why they should still be called the leaders of the church. And then I realized, the true body of Christ is not made up of leaders that compromise, deceive, and preach false doctrines that the Bible warns about.

The true body of Christ has one leader, and He is a powerful – yet loving, a righteous – yet compassionate God. And He is the only way of salvation – there is absolutely no other way. As opposed to the religions of the world, with Christ we cannot earn salvation; He gives it freely. While we are all sinners and equally need forgiveness from him, and while we do sin and need to go to Him in humility and confession, we cannot abide in sin if He lives in us. And He will live in the repentant soul who humbles himself and asks Jesus Christ to be Lord of his life.

We can count on Him and on His Word. May those who are remaining faithful stand, by His grace, until He returns.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)

Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Uprising Following Egypt 'Massacre'
Jul 8th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Ari Soffer
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

At least 40 people were killed Monday in clashes outside a military building in Cairo, where supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi were holding a sit-in against what they are describing as an "illegal coup", according to an Egyptian health ministry official.

Precisely what happened in the run-up to what Morsi's supporters are already calling a "massacre" is unclear, but what is known is that Egyptian soldiers opened fire on the crowd, made up largely of Muslim Brotherhood members, causing large scale carnage.

Both the Brotherhood and the Egyptian health ministry said at least 40 people had been killed, including an army officer. Some 300 people were reported to be wounded.

Egyptian television showed casualties being taken to a makeshift hospital in the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, where Brotherhood activists have been based.

The Muslim Brotherhood said the army had raided its sit-in at about 4:00 a.m., as protesters were in the middle of dawn prayers.

"The protesters were taken unawares and the troops used live ammunition, bird shot and tear gas," protester Alaa el-Hadidi told the BBC.

Another protester, Mahmud al-Shilli, told the AFP news agency that troops had used tear gas but that a group of men in civilian clothing had then opened fire.

"The thugs came from the side. We were the target," he told AFP.

The Freedom and Justice Party, the Brotherhood's political wing, called on Egyptians to stage an "uprising" in response to the incident, against "those trying to steal their revolution with tanks".

Al-Jazeera showed footage of at least six dead bodies laid out on the ground, some with severe wounds. A medic from the area, Hesham Agami, said ambulances were prevented from taking the wounded to hospitals because the military had blocked off the roads.

A Salafist party, Al-Nour, said Monday it had withdrawn from talks on the formation of a new cabinet following the killing of the Morsi supporters.

“We have decided to withdraw immediately from all negotiations in response to the massacre outside the Republican Guard” headquarters, Al-Nour spokesman Nadder Bakkar said on Twitter.

The spokesman told Al Arabiya that a committee must be formed to inquire into Monday’s incident.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jul 8th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Tony Blair calls for intervention in Syria
Mr Blair said: “A refusal to engage, as you see from what’s happening in Syria at the moment, where, after all, as a proportion of the population there’s now been more people that have died in Syria in a civil war that shows absolutely no sign of ending than in the entirety of Iraq since 2003. So, you know, inaction is also a policy and a decision with consequence.”  

Will the antichrist be the pope?
A new documentary reveals that a centuries-old claim by protestants that the pope is the antichrist has actually been taught by Catholic scholars from centuries past and may have been prophesied by a 14th century Catholic archbishop.  

Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA
The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.  

Egypt army preparing for Sinai operation
Egypt's army is preparing for a large-scale military operation in Sinai, an army official said Sunday, as forces sealed more smuggling tunnels along the Gaza border. An Egyptian military official told Ma'an the army was preparing for a major operation in Sinai "to clean it up from terrorist and criminal cells."  

Earthquake hits East Java
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of Malang, East Java, on Monday at 9:13 a.m. local time, at a depth of 10 kilometers. “The quake’s epicenter was in the Indian Ocean, about 112 kilometers from Malang or 202 kilometers from Surabaya,” said National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, as quoted by Antara news agency.  

Earthquake strikes El Salvador, no damage reported
There were no immediate reports of damage from the 5.9 magnitude quake, which according to the U.S. Geological Survey was centered 24 miles south-southeast of the capital, just off shore and 60 miles below ground.  

Colossal sunspot AR1785 is now directly facing Earth. The active region has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class flares, yet so far the sunspot has been mostly quiet. Could it be the calm before the storm? NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of M-flares and a 10% chance of X-flares on July 8th.  

Powerful Forces Promote Rand Paul
Asserting that Paul “is talked about as a credible Republican presidential contender in 2016,” who is “no longer marginalized by his party—or dismissed by the opposition,” the story promoting Paul appeared on the very day (though the Post didn’t mention it at the time) Paul was the keynote speaker at a fundraising banquet for the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington.  

Global Markets Now On The Verge Of Total Panic & Meltdown Read more at
“We cannot recall a worse one-day selloff in bonds. With continued talk of the Federal Reserve tapering their bond and mortgage buying, one would expect interest rates to rise in a controlled, gradual, and engineered manner. That certainly was not what we witnessed on Friday.  

7.2 earthquake recorded off PNG
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Papua New Guinea in the early hours of Monday, according to the US Geological Survey, after a 7.2 quake struck off the country's northeast coast just hours before.  

Morsi Muslims 'Rage' Against Copts
Mobs of Muslims enraged over the forceful removal of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Mohamed Morsi from office have retaliated against Christians across Egypt, according to Morning Star News. The attacks came as part of nation-wide protests that culminated Friday in what Morsi supporters called a "Day of Rage".  

Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid
The $1.5 billion in U.S. foreign aid slated for Egypt next year is in jeopardy after the Egyptian army deposed...President Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday. Section 508 of the...Foreign Assistance Act stipulates that “none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available pursuant to this Act shall be obligated or expended to finance directly any assistance to any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by a military coup or decree.”  

EU plots transatlantic bank regulator
The European Union is to push for an agreement on banking and financial services as a key part of this week’s historic trade talks with the US which could see the introduction of an American-European super-regulator.  

Dozens dead as Egyptian Islamists rally to defend Morsi
42 protesters have been killed, including children in the overnight clashes, Egypt’s state TV reported. A spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood said at least 37 of its members have been killed, with as many as 500 injured. Egypt’s Health Ministry confirmed that women and children were among the 42 killed overnight in Cairo.  

Muslim Brotherhood calls for uprising against Egyptian army after dozens killed
The Muslim Brotherhood called on Egyptians to rise up against those who "want to steal" the revolution, a statement by its political wing said on Monday, after Egyptian state television said 42 people were killed in shooting outside the Cairo headquarters of the Republican Guard.  

Lake Vostok mysteries: Biologists find over 3,500 life forms in isolated Antarctic basin
"We found much more complexity than anyone thought," Rogers said. "It really shows the tenacity of life, and how organisms can survive in places where a couple dozen years ago we thought nothing could survive." There are few places on Earth more hostile to life forms than Lake Vostok, the largest subglacial lake in the Antarctic, and initially Rogers believed that the water from it may have been completely sterile.  

Iwo-Tori-shima volcano news & activity updates:
A possible small eruption occurred this morning. Tokyo VAAC received a (pilot) report of an ash plume rising to 7,000 ft (2.1 km) and drifting 40 nautical miles to the north of the small island.  

Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico): alert level raised
The intensity of the current eruptive phase remains high. A phase of particularly strong tremor accompanying continuous explosions and ash emissions occurred this morning. As a consequence of the elevated activity,CENAPRED raised the alert level to Yellow, Phase 3. An exclusion zone of 12 km radius around the volcano is in place.  

The self-righteous 'can cook in their own stew,' says Pope
In order to do the Lord’s work, Pope Francis said, we should remember our first encounter with Jesus, in which we were invited to recognize our own sinfulness and experience his loving gaze. “Those who consider themselves righteous, they can cook in their own stew!” the Pope said during morning Mass on July 5. “He came for us sinners and this is beautiful.”  

Tropical Storm Chantal 2013 – Updates and Trajectory
According to the latest report issued by National Hurricane Center in Miami at 09:00 UTC, Chantal was located 1,130 km ESE of Barbados. The government of France has also issued a tropical storm warning for Martinique and Guadeloupe. In total, tropical storm warning is in effect for Barbados, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Martinique and Guadeloupe. Chantal continues to move rapidly toward the Lesser Antilles.  

'Hezbollah supporters urge leadership: Stop sending our sons to die in Syria'
Amid the mounting death toll of Hezbollah operatives in Syria, a delegation of Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon has asked the Shi’ite group’s leadership to stop sending operatives to fight for Syrian President Bashar Assad, pan-Arabic daily Asharq Alawsat reported Sunday.  

'Most Israelis don't believe Netanyahu's apology to Turkey was justified'
Poll: 71% disagree with decision to apologize over flotilla raid; more Israeli-Arabs than Jews think Erdogan driven by anti-Semitism.  

Greek close to getting latest bailout payout
Greece's government has said it is close to agreeing a deal to gain the latest payment of bailout money from its international lenders. Eurozone finance ministers meet on Monday to decide whether to release the next instalment of rescue funds worth 6.3bn euros ($8.1bn; £5.4bn).  

Studies: Cyberspying targeted SKorea, US military
The hackers who knocked out tens of thousands of South Korean computers simultaneously this year are out to do far more than erase hard drives, cybersecurity firms say: They also are trying to steal South Korean and U.S. military secrets with a malicious set of codes they've been sending through the Internet for years.  

Shooting of pro-Morsi protesters deepens Egypt crisis
At least 15 people were killed in Cairo on Monday, medical sources said, when the Muslim Brotherhood said shots were fired at supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi near the military building where he is being held.

Cairo Clashes Kill 51 Brotherhood Supporters, An Officer. Army Set to Defend Oil Pipeline, Suez Ship
Jul 8th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Egyptian soldiers opened fire early Monday, July 8, on Muslim Brotherhood supporters at the Republican Guards Club in Cairo where deposed president Mohamed Morsi is held. Fifty-one demonstrators were killed and 300 were wounded. The army, who lost an officer and seven wounded soldiers, said “armed terrorists” tried to storm the compound. Egyptian media reported that the army and police forces opened fire after a group of demonstrators tried to climb the walls of the club. According to eyewitnesses, the army raided a quiet sit-in outside the Presidential Guards Club.

While events in Cairo following the Egyptian military takeover of power were the focus of media coverage, debkafile’s military sources report that the army was quietly getting set to secure the country’s primary assets – Suez Canal traffic, the oil facilities in the town of Suez, and the Sumed oil pipeline – all extremely sensitive targets.

According to intelligence reaching the military, a radical Islamist force - made up of a clandestine Muslim Brotherhood raider unit called El Giza Al Sidi, Sinai Bedouin Salafists linked to al Qaeda and the Palestinian Hamas - are conspiring to activate commando and missile units for sabotaging Suez shipping and the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

Hitting one ship transiting the canal or a single explosion at the pipeline would suffice to send world oil prices and insurance costs sky high.
This armed Islamist coalition also plans a major campaign of terror against Israel.
These concerns were underscored Sunday, July 7, when armed Salafists using at least 10 explosive devices blew up the Egyptian gas pipeline to Jordan rat a point south of El Arish in northern Sinai. The flow was brought to a halt.

That night, the Israeli Counter-Terror Bureau strongly urged Israelis to avoid traveling to Sinai and travelers already there to leave at once amid a rising danger of attack and abduction.
The Egyptian military has been warned that the El Giza Al Sidi raiders have been directed by their Muslim Brotherhood masters to attack the Sumed oil pipeline, which starts at Ain Sukhna on the Gulf of Suez, runs 320 kilometers through the Western desert and ends at Sidi Kerir on the Mediterranean coast south of Alexandria. 
This attack would not just target the Egyptian EGPC, but also lash out at its Saudi and UAE co-owners, whom the Brotherhood accuses of abetting the military coup ousting them from power: the Saudi Aramco, and the International Petroleum Investment Co. of Abu Dhabi.

The fighting between Egyptian military and armed Islamists in Sinai went into its third day Monday with the eruption of a fierce battle close to the Israeli border not far from the Israeli Red Sea resort and port-town of Eilat. The sounds of gunfire and explosions reached the Ovda Israeli Air Force base 40 kilometers north of the town. As a precaution, the Israeli army closed to civilian traffic the section of Route 12 from northern Israel to Eilat which runs close to the Sinai border.
Armed Salafists tearing around in minivans continued to attack Egyptian army and police positions and checkpoints at El Arish and Sheikh Zweid, firing the heavy machine guns and missile launchers mounted on their vehicles. Some used Grads.  An Egyptian soldier and a policeman were killed Sunday.

debkafile’s military sources report that the Egyptian army has taken down some of its Sinai checkpoints and is relocating a smaller number on main intersections and manning them with larger contingents.

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