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Turkey: Referendum on Park Possible, But Protests Must Stop
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Government spokesman Huseyin Celik said it may be possible to put the question of building a public park in Istanbul to referendum – but the protests in Taksim Square must stop. The plan to turn the Istanbul park into a shopping mall sparked ten days of protests. Wednesday, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan met a delegation of protesters, but many others boycotted the meeting saying the government had handpicked the delegation. Tuesday, riot police moved evacuated Taksim Square, using stun guns, tear gas and water cannon to clear demonstrators out of the emblematic Istanbul square.

The Return of Crusader Theology
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Israel Today - Tsvi Sadan
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary

Last month, the World Council of Churches (WCC) convened in Lebanon and issued the following statement:

“Palestine continues to be the central issue in the region … The persistence, after sixty five years, of continuing dispossession of Palestinian people—Christian and Muslim alike—from their land by Israeli occupation, continuing settlement of land inside the 1967 borders … is central to the turmoil in the region …. Jerusalem today is an occupied city with a government which has adopted discriminatory policies against Christians and Muslims alike …”

The WCC also took aim at Christians who dare to support Israel, the reviled “Christian Zionists”:

"Christians who promote ‘Christian Zionism’ distort the interpretation of the Word of God and the historic connection of Palestinians—Christians and Muslims—to the Holy Land, enable the manipulation of public opinion by Zionist lobbies, and damage intra-Christian relations.”

The WCC is not a marginal organization that can be dismissed off hand. It represents some 500 million Christians living in 110 countries and territories around the world. It include Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed and Independent churches, all of which have signed on to a political-religious document that contains blatant lies that bring to mind historical anti-Jewish Christian biases.

For instance, the WCC asserts that Israel, continually, for 65 years, has been dispossessing Muslims and Christians of their land. The truth is that the last time Palestinians crossed the Jordan River eastward and never returned was during the Six Day War in 1967. Wars, as can be witnessed today in Syria and elsewhere, produce refugees. Israel’s only fault in this regard is that it won the war. And even during that conflict, when the entire Arab population of Hebron fled, they were asked by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan to return to their homes.

In contrast, due to intolerable conditions, there is massive Christian emigration from Palestinian-controlled Bethlehem and from Lebanon. Christians suffer discrimination not in Israel, but rather in Turkey, Egypt, Syria and any other Muslim country.

The WCC also wants people to believe that “Jerusalem today is an occupied city.” The WCC is not specifying “east” or “west” Jerusalem, meaning that for these Christians Jerusalem as a whole should be under the control of anyone but Israel, or, more precisely, the Jews. The fact that only “east” Jerusalem is disputed as “occupied” territory is irrelevant to the pious-minded Christians who signed this document.

The WCC anti-Israel political stand stems from its theological position that asserts, only tacitly for fear of being labeled anti-Semites, that (Christian) “Zionism distort[s] the interpretation of the Word of God.”

Zionism is a late 19th century national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. The Bible is so steeped with such a vision that it is pointless to bother with quotations. The WCC must assert therefore, like the Crusaders before, that today, the chosen “people of Israel” are not the Jews, but rather all true Christians, which is why Jerusalem should not be under Jewish sovereignty. For them, even Muslim control of Jerusalem would be better.

Any honest and unbiased reader of the Bible knows otherwise, and should reject this anti-Jewish theology. Anybody, the WCC included, who singles Israel out as the sole villain that threatens world peace, who points fingers at Israel, the least troublesome element in the Middle East, is, by definition, anti-Semitic. Masquerading such sentiment as Christian love only adds insult to injury.

Terrorists Run Free, But Protesting Jews Arrested After Shooting
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
INN - David Lev
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Police on Wednesday night arrested seven Jews, residents of towns in Samaria. The seven were accused of throwing rocks and firebombs in the Arab village of Burin.

Five of the suspects were released Thursday morning. Two of the suspects, both minors, are still in custody.

The arrests occurred after groups of Jews protested a shooting incident in Samaria Wednesday night. In the incident, shots were fired at an Israeli bus traveled from Ariel to Elon Moreh. Shots were fired at the bus as it traveled near the village. No one was injured, but there was damage to the bus. Fortunately, the bus driver was able to continue driving. The driver reported the incident when he got to an IDF outpost.

IDF soldiers began searching for the shooters. Police have opened an investigation into the shooting. No arrests have been made yet.

Samaria Council head Gershon Mesika. “This shooting is a worrying development,” said Mesika. “We demand that the IDF develop and utilize the appropriate measures to restore security to residents.”

Southern Baptists Condemn Boy Scouts Over Admission of Gays
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


The nation’s largest Protestant denomination stopped short of calling for its member churches to boycott the Boy Scouts, but voiced strong opposition to acceptance of gay scouts – with a top church leader predicting at the annual gathering of Southern Baptists that a “mass exodus” of youths from the program that has been a rite of passage for more than a century.

The move by the Southern Baptist Convention came at its annual, four-day meeting in Houston, and three weeks after the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow gay youth to join. With more than two-thirds of Boy Scout troops sponsored by religious organizations, and Baptists being the nation’s largest protestant denomination, the resolution could have a crippling effect on the Boy Scouts.

“There will be a mass exodus over time,” said Frank Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. “Churches are finally going to have to come to realize – there is a point when you say, ‘sorry, no more.’”

Rumors of War in the North
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Israel Today - Ryan Jones
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Earlier this week, the US government warned Americans to steer clear of Israel's northern Golan Heights. Now the United Nations is cautioning that neighboring Syria's ongoing civil war is likely to spill over the border.

"US citizens are advised to defer non-essential travel to and within the Golan Heights and to exercise an extra measure of caution," read an email sent by the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to American citizens living in Israel.

The warning came after Syrian government and rebel forces engaged in a days-long battle for the border town of Quneitra, with Syrian forces entering the demilitarized buffer zone between Israel and Syria for the first time in decades.

Around the same time, Austria, which is the largest contributor of troops to the UN peacekeeping force stationed on the Golan border, announced that it was pulling its soldiers out of the region.

The peacekeepers making up the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) have been repeatedly targeted by Syrian rebels in recent months, and many have expressed their total lack of motivation to risk their lives to prevent war between Israel and its neighbors.

The Austrian troops began withdrawing on Wednesday, as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened rushed negotiations with Sweden to replace the absentee peacekeepers.

In fact, Ban said, there is an urgent need to actually increase the size of the UNDOF deployment. "The ongoing military activities in the area of separation continue to have the potential to escalate tensions between Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic and to jeopardize the ceasefire between the two countries," said the UN chief.

Ban wants to see the force increased to 1,250 combat-ready troops, and to significantly improve their defensive capabilities

NSA Spying is Much Bigger Than Verizon
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

The National Security Agency's warrant for metadata on every single Verizon call for three months is jaw-dropping in its scope. Except, well, the NSA's surveillance of our communications is most likely much, much bigger than that. Technology has made it possible for the American government to spy on citizens to an extent East Germany could only dream of.

Basically everything we say that can be traced digitally is being collected by the NSA. We're supposed to trust that our government will be much better behaved, but they're not, and the White House almost admits it. That doesn't mean they're admitting everything.

"On its face, the document suggests that the U.S. government regularly collects and stores all domestic telephone records," The Week's Marc Ambinder writes of Glenn Greenwald's scoop last night. "My own understanding is that the NSA routinely collects millions of domestic-to-domestic phone records. It does not do anything with them unless there is a need to search through them for lawful purposes."

Previous reporting from many outlets suggests that's true. In 2006, USA Today's Leslie Cauley reported the NSA was secretly collecting call records with data from AT&T, Verizon, and BellSouth. A source told Cauley, "It's the largest database ever assembled in the world" and that the NSA wanted "to create a database of every call ever made" within U.S. territory.

Likewise, in 2011, The New Yorker's Jane Mayer spoke to former NSA crypto-mathematician Bill Binney, who "believes that the agency now stores copies of all e-mails transmitted in America, in case the government wants to retrieve the details later."

He thinks the NSA wants all emails to be searchable, the same way we search with Google. "The agency reportedly has the capacity to intercept and download, every six hours, electronic communications equivalent to the contents of the Library of Congress," Mayer said.

As Mark Rumold, a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told The Atlantic Wire last night, "This is confirmation of what we've long feared, that the NSA has been tracking the calling patterns of the entire country."

And the NSA isn't just collecting the things we say. It's also tracking what we buy and where we go. In 2008, The Wall Street Journal's Siobhan Gorman reported that the NSA's domestic data collection "have evolved to reach more broadly into data about people's communications, travel and finances in the U.S. than the domestic surveillance programs brought to light since the 2001 terrorist attacks." That means emails records, bank transfers, phone records, travel records.

As Ambinder explains, there's a difference between collecting the call data, analyzing the data, and eavesdropping on the calls. The government's talking points defend the program by noting the NSA might know the length and location of your phone calls, but at least they weren't listening in. "On its face, the order reprinted in the article does not allow the Government to listen in on anyone's telephone calls," the talking points say.

The "senior government official" does not directly confirm the court order is real, but says that "Information of the sort described in the Guardian article has been a critical tool in protecting the nation from terrorist threats to the United States, as it allows counterterrorism personnel to discover whether known or suspected terrorists have been in contact with other persons who may be engaged in terrorist activities, particularly people located inside the United States."

That sounds so noble. And the NSA would never abuse its awesome surveillance power, right? Wrong. In 2008, NSA workers told ABC News that they routinely eavesdropped on private calls between troops serving overseas and their loved ones in America. They listened in on both satellite phone calls and calls from the phone banks in Iraq's Green Zone where soldiers call home.

Former Navy Arab linguist, David Murfee Faulk described how a coworker would say, "Hey, check this out… there's some great pillow talk, pull up this call, it's really funny, go check it out." Faulk explained they would gossip about the best calls during breaks. "It would be some colonel making pillow talk and we would say, 'Wow, this was crazy.'"

Nonbelievers Push for Role As U.S. Military Chaplains
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


References to God and country have long been a part of the US military, dating back to the days of the founding fathers. There’s even a popular old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes. But maybe there are.

Atheists – or “humanists,” as they are sometimes called – say in fact there are plenty of nonbelievers in the military and argue they deserve the same system of support as those with theist religious affiliation. They are pushing for an idea that sounds like an oxymoron, something that seems impossible by definition: the right to have atheist chaplains serving in the US military.

“I have three humanist chaplains who are applying for chaplain positions in the military, and I shouldn’t have to tell them that because of their beliefs they can’t serve in the way they want to,” said Jason Torpy, president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF), a nonprofit organization that says it is working to build a community of nonbelievers in the US military.

Torpy and others point to the tangible signs of support – like a place to congregate, regular meetings, and the distribution of informational materials – which they say should be afforded to nonbelievers just like they are to Catholics, Baptists and services members from a wide variety of religious backgrounds.

“People agree with Mormon, Jewish and Muslim chaplains, and there are more humanists in the military than Muslims, so nobody can say this doesn’t affect enough people,” Torpy told RIA Novosti, adding that there are so many nonbelievers in the military that with no way to assimilate, “it’s like being all alone in a crowd.”

Nicaragua Waterway to Dwarf Panama Canal
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
The Guardian
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Nicaragua’s parliament is due to vote on Thursday on one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Latin America’s history – a trans-oceanic canal that is to be built and run by a Chinese company.

If it goes ahead, the $40bn (£26bn) scheme, which is twice as expensive as Brazil’s Belo Monte dam and likely to be three times longer than the Panama canal, looks set to transform global shipping and jump start the economy of this Central American nation.

As well as the waterway, the draft agreement between Nicaragua and a Hong Kong registered firm — Nicaraguan Canal Development Investment Co Limited – includes provisions for two free trade zones, an airport and a “dry canal” freight railway.

“This will be the largest project in Latin America in 100 years,” Ronald Maclean, the executive fronting the operation in Managua told the Guardian. “If Nicaragua gets to do this, it is going to be a transformational project not only for Nicaragua but for the region.”

Given the government’s large majority, parliamentary approval is expected to be a formality, but critics warn the plan is being rushed through without adequate scrutiny of the environmental impact, business viability and public well-being.

A one-year viability study is now under way and the operators soon plan to tap international financial markets in New York, London and Tokyo for investment in a scheme that they say will be entirely privately funded. President Daniel Ortega is also said to be promoting the scheme in meetings with ambassadors from Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Canada.

Although hydro-engineering techniques have advanced considerably since the 48-mile (77 km) Panama canal was completed in 1914, the logistical challenge will be enormous. The new canal, which will pass through a much wider stretch of land, is likely to be more than 250km long. It will also be much wider to allow passage by the biggest container ships. The project will be operated by HKDN — a Hong-Kong based firm set up last year that has established a holding company in the Caiman Islands. It will pay $10m a year for 10 years to the Nicaraguan government.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Should Israel Meet The Quartet Conditions?
The conditions include: (1) recognition of Palestine, (2) adherence to previous agreements, and (3) renunciation of violence as a means of achieving goals.

Colorado wildfires 2013: Thousands evacuate as fast-moving fires rage
A wildfire in a residential area northeast of Colorado Springs forced mandatory evacuations of 2,530 homes, including some worth more than $1 million, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said.

CIA deputy director Morell resigns
CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell resigned from his post Wednesday, after managing the resignation of former CIA Director David Petraeus over an extramarital affair, and defending the agency's performance over the attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. Morell was passed over for the top CIA spot by President Obama in favor of his counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, who announced Morell's departure Wednesday.

US-China climate deal called a ‘breakthrough’
China and the United States took a major step in the fight against climate change over the weekend, but what was termed a “breakthrough” might not do much in the longer term to lock in legally binding carbon emission cuts from the world’s two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases.

Taal shows signs of restiveness
RESTIVE Taal Volcano in Batangas province showed heightened activity after at least nine volcanic quakes were recorded around it in the past 24 hours, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

The sunspot number may be low, but the sun is far from blank. Amateur astronomers monitoring the sun report a large number of magnetic filaments snaking across the solar disk. Sergio Castillo captured more than half a dozen in this picture he sends from his backyard observatory in Inglewood, California.

Germany slams US for ‘Stasi methods’ ahead of Obama visit
Unfortunately for Obama’s upcoming trip to Berlin, it was revealed that Germany ranks as the most-spied-on EU country by the US, a map of secret surveillance activities by the National Security Agency (NSA) shows. German ministers are expressing their outrage over America’s sweeping intelligence-gathering leviathan, with one parliamentarian comparing US spying methods to that of the communist East Germany’s much-dreaded Ministry for State Security (Stasi).

Cameron, Putin to meet and discuss civil war-torn Syria
The Sunday meeting in London between Cameron and Putin, before the summit starts in Northern Ireland, was arranged after Putin appeared to offer hope Russian support for the Syrian regime may be softening, the British newspaper The Independent reported Wednesday.

Massive storm system surges toward Mid-Atlantic
A massive storm system originally forecast to affect one in five Americans from Iowa to Maryland surged Thursday toward the Mid-Atlantic after causing widespread power outages but largely failing to live up to its billing in ferocity through the Upper Midwest. Authorities in Ohio reported early Thursday that high winds from possible tornadoes had damaged barns in the northwest and left thousands in the Buckeye State without power.

Free speech outside Supreme Court: Ban on protests in plaza struck down
In a case that brings free speech protections literally to the very steps of the US Supreme Court, a federal judge in Washington has struck down as unconstitutional a statute that allowed police to arrest anyone attempting to deliver a message of protest on the wide marble plaza outside the high court’s elegant front entrance.

‘Arrest Obama When He Visits’: Read the So-Called ‘Obama Docket’ That Calls for Prosecution of the President
The Muslim Lawyers Association (MLA) in Johannesburg has submitted a 600-plus page document to the Office of the National Director of Public Prosecution calling for the arrest and prosecution of President Barack Obama when he visits South Africa later this month. The group says Obama has ordered drone strikes that killed innocent civilians, warranting a formal investigation.

How UN Treaty Threatens U.S. Gun Rights
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Gun rights advocates successfully fended off efforts to expand background checks, limit magazine capacity and ban certain firearms weeks ago, but a United Nations treaty that President Obama vows to sign could have the same impact even if the Senate rejects it.

The United Nations Small Arms Trade treaty passed the U.N. General Assembly earlier this year. Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry announced Obama would sign the treaty, noting it is an “important contribution to efforts to stem the illicit trade in conventional weapons, which fuels conflict, empowers violent extremists and contributes to violations of human rights.”

Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt said the impact of this treaty would be far more damaging than the relatively benign language suggests.

“First of all, it’s probably helpful to understand who’s the good guys and who’s the bad guys at the U.N.,” Pratt told WND. “Most of those governments are at best crooked and often dictatorial, tyrannical and just horrible to have anything to do with.

“When they talk about keeping guns out of the wrong hands, they’re talking about keeping guns out of the hands of the people that might seek their freedom from these horrible governments. So for us to sign a treaty like that is for the United States to, in effect, sanitize, to approve of these governments, which we do anyway by being part of the U.N., and give them morally a stronger hand in oppressing their people,” Pratt said.

Pratt also contends that the U.N. has a terrible track record in protecting human life. He said the horrors in Rwanda are a perfect example of why the U.N. has no business deciding who should and should not have access to guns.

Free Beacon Latest Conservative Outlet Attacked By Hackers After Drudge Hits
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Image: (Associated Press)

The Washington Free Beacon yesterday became the latest victim in a wave of cyber attacks targeting conservative news outlets.

The Beacon, in what appears to be a coordinated assault, joined National Journal and radio station WTOP as a target after certain articles were featured on the Drudge Report, one of the most heavily trafficked and influential sites in the world.

The Drudge Report itself has not been infiltrated.

“There seems to be this concerted effort by this cyber criminal to take over news sites,” said Steve Ward, vice president of Invincea, the Internet security company that first identified the Free Beacon breach. He added that these particular attacks appear to have been perpetrated by criminals rather than by state actors such as China.

It is common for cyber criminals to target “communities of interest,” Ward said. “The goal is to catch in their web as many people as possible.”

“I think what’s happening is the bad guys are looking at Drudge as a great news aggregator and looking at some of the downstream news sites,” Ward said in an interview. “It’s easier to hit these sites.”

The Free Beacon was compromised on Monday when unidentified malicious code was embedded into two Free Beacon articles that had been featured on Drudge. Invincea, which sells unique Internet protection tools, reported on Monday that the Free Beacon was “redirecting user traffic to malware” that was infecting readers’ computers without their knowledge.

WFB staff took action, and by noon on Tuesday, June 11, had isolated and eliminated the threat. The site is now safe to browse.

One infected article focused on the NSA whistleblower, while the other focused on ammunition purchases for the Afghan National Army.

Invincea’s Ward said he discovered the malware upon clicking on the articles from Drudge.

“We browsed to Free Beacon [from the Drudge Report] and got hit,” Ward said.

“The Beacon is not a culprit,” Ward said. “This happens to a number of prominent news sites. It’s an ongoing campaign.”

In the Free Beacon’s case, malicious code was embedded deep into the website in code known as Javascript. Readers traveling to the site would not have been aware that their computers had been infected.

“It’s an unknown exploit so the user just goes to the website to get the news content and they don’t even know they’re infected,” Ward said.

Popular virus blocking software has trouble detecting these types of attacks because the malicious code is unfamiliar and anonymous, Ward said.

Fox News Poll: Voters Oppose Nsa Program, Most Lack Trust in Government
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Most Americans find it unacceptable for the National Security Agency to collect the phone records of millions of U.S. citizens. In addition, a majority lacks trust in the federal government, and an increasing number of people say it’s too big.

These are just some of the findings of a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

Sixty-two percent of voters say the government secretly collecting the phone records of millions of Americans is an “unacceptable and alarming invasion of privacy rights.”

That’s nearly twice as many as think it’s an “acceptable government action to help prevent terrorism” (32 percent).

Republicans (by 74-18 percent) and independents (by 67-26 percent) think the NSA surveillance of Americans is unacceptable. Democrats split: 48 percent say it’s acceptable, while 46 percent say unacceptable.

Views are similar on the U.S. Department of Justice monitoring certain reporters as part of its leak investigation. By a 34 percentage-point margin, more voters think the government’s seizure of journalists’ records was mainly done for political reasons (63 percent) as opposed to national security reasons (29 percent).

The Justice Department secretly obtained phone records and emails from some news organizations that had broken stories based on government leaks.

Euthanasia for Children Nears Approval By Belgian Parliament; Doctors to Mass - Euthanize Children and
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Natural News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Euthanasia for children nears approval by Belgian Parliament; doctors to mass-euthanize children and Alzheimer’s patients

A proposed law on the verge of approval by the Belgium parliament would allow children to decide for themselves whether they should be euthanized (“killed”) by medical personnel. Currently, Belgian law limits euthanasia to persons 18 and older, but with the rise of autistic children thanks to biopesticides, GMOs and vaccines, nations are increasingly trying to figure out what to do with all these children who have been permanently damaged by the medical and biotech industries.

The answer, of course, is to simply kill them. It’s difficult to kill children off under current law without being charged with murder, however. So this proposed new law would allow doctors to decide whether children of any age (yes, even a five-year-old) can, themselves, “consent” to being euthanized without parental consent.

Not surprisingly, the bill was introduced by the socialist party, since socialists tend to hate humanity no matter what country they live in. The proposed legislation calls for, “the law to be extended to minors if they are capable of discernment or affected by an incurable illness or suffering that we cannot alleviate,” reports AFP.

That story goes on to report, “Socialist Senator Philippe Mahoux, who helped draft the proposed changes, said there had been cases of adolescents who ‘had the capacity to decide’ their future.”

Because, of course, a six-year-old isn’t old enough to drive a car or buy a beer, but they can certainly consent to being killed by the state… especially if they’re already a burden on health care costs.

As the law proponents claim, it “marks a turning point in the nation’s approach to the rights of young people, some of whom would be able to choose to die if the law were to pass, even while still being legally barred from driving, marrying, voting or drinking liquor until they turned 18,” reports

Connecting the Dots on Prism, Phone Surveillance, and the NSA’s Massive Spy Center
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Physically, the NSA has always been well protected by miles of high fences and electrified wire, thousands of cameras, and gun-toting guards. But that was to protect the agency from those on the outside trying to get in to steal secrets. Now it is confronting a new challenge: those on the inside going out and giving the secrets away

While the agency has had its share of spies, employees who have sold top-secret documents to foreign governments for cash, until the last few years it has never had to deal with whistleblowers passing top-secret information and documents to the press because their conscience demanded it. This in a place where no employee has ever written a book about the agency (unlike the prolific CIA, where it seems that a book contract is included in every exit package).

As someone who has written many books and articles about the agency, I have seldom seen the NSA in such a state. Like a night prowler with a bag of stolen goods suddenly caught in a powerful Klieg light, it now finds itself under the glare of nonstop press coverage, accused of robbing the public of its right to privacy. Despite the standard denials from the agency’s public relations office, the documents outline a massive operation to secretly keep track of everyone’s phone calls on a daily basis – billions upon billions of private records; and another to reroute the pipes going in and out of Google, Apple, Yahoo, and the other Internet giants through Fort Meade – figuratively if not literally.

But long before Edward Snowden walked out of the NSA with his trove of documents, whistleblowers there had been trying for years to bring attention to the massive turn toward domestic spying that the agency was making. Last year in my Wired cover story on the enormous new NSA data center in Utah, Bill Binney, the man who largely designed the agency’s worldwide eavesdropping system, warned of the secret, nationwide surveillance. He told how the NSA had gained access to billions of billing records not only from AT&T but also from Verizon. “That multiplies the call rate by at least a factor of five,” he said. “So you’re over a billion and a half calls a day.” Among the top-secret documents Snowden released was a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order proving the truth to Binney’s claim and indicating that the operation was still going on.

New layer...

Christian Radio Host Accuses Obama of Leading ‘Fourth Reich of the Nazi Empire’
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
The Raw Story
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


A Christian radio host blamed U.S. religious figures on Thursday for allowing President Barack Obama to institute a “modern day Nazi regime” that would lead to the rise of the “Fourth Reich of the Nazi empire.”

When posting about reports that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been monitoring internet users’ activity through direct access to data from companies like Google, Facebook and Apple, Rick Wiles, said, he purposefully used a picture displaying Nazi imagery to do so.

“What is quickly rising in the USA is the Fourth Reich of the Nazi Empire; this is the Fourth Beast as foretold by Daniel in the Holy Bible,” Wiles said on his “Tru News” radio show. “I blame America’s preachers for this mess, this modern day Nazi regime did not appear overnight in America.”

Breaking: Obama Threatens Veto of Religious Protection for Military
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Breitbart News reported last week that Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) passed an amendment in the House Armed Services Committee protecting religious speech of service members in the military. President Barack Obama has now threatened to veto the bill if it passes the full House and Senate.

The White House released a Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) on H.R. 1960, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014. Among other items, the SAP includes as an objection to the bill:

Expansion and Implementation of Protection of Rights of Conscience of Members of the Armed Forces and Chaplains of Such Members: The Administration strongly objects to section 530, which would require the Armed Forces to accommodate, except in cases of military necessity, “actions and speech” reflecting the “conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs of the member.” By limiting the discretion of commanders to address potentially problematic speech and actions within their units, this provision would have a significant adverse effect on good order, discipline, morale, and mission accomplishment.

The SAP includes a veto threat: “…if the bill is presented to the President for approval in its current form, the President’s senior advisers would recommend that the President veto the bill.”

In other words, Obama says he will veto any bill that forbids his appointees or officers from telling a soldier that he cannot mention Jesus during prayer or have a Bible on his desk, or that keeps those appointees from telling a chaplain (who is an ordained clergyman) what religious teachings he is allowed to give in worship services, or what spiritual counseling he can give to another soldier.

Ambassador Ken Blackwell, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, tells Breitbart News:

President Obama is waging a war on religion. He and Chuck Hagel are denying the most basic rights to those who put their lives on the line to protect all of our rights. It is shameful and appalling. I am confident that congressional leadership will show courage to stand up for our troops against this radical assault on religious liberty in the military.

This is the most compelling expression yet of the aggressive approach of the Obama-Hagel Defense Department to soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who are observant Christians or devout members of other peaceful faiths, as seen in Breitbart News’ previous reports regarding the unconstitutional infringements of one of America’s most treasured, fundamental rights.

All eyes are on House and Senate leadership to see if they stand firm on the bill for those in the military who are facing this new form of pressure.

Breitbart News legal columnist Ken Klukowski is senior fellow for religious liberty at the Family Research Council and on faculty at Liberty University School of Law.

Big Brother
Jun 13th, 2013
Categories: Prophecy

 (Big Brother) As world governments become more interconnected with the use of advanced technology, it will become easier for them to monitor their citizens. The Bible says the antichrist will have more than just political control of the world. It says he will have the power to control all financial transactions through the use of a special mark.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, orthe number of his name" (Rev 13:16-17).

BDS Leaders: No Point in Talking Peace With Israel
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
Israel Today - Staff
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Leaders of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement aimed at delegitimizing Israel showed their true colors at a conference in Bethlehem last week by boycotting even a negotiated peace with the Jewish state.

"We have no faith... in the so-called negotiations," BDS leader Omar Barghouti told France's AFP news agency during the conference.

According to Barghouti, the conflict could only end when Israel fully surrenders to all Arab demands, including, but not limited to, opening its gates to millions of so-called "Palestinian refugees," a move that would demographically destroy the Jewish state.

Barghouti and his cohorts urged the Palestinian Authority to stop playing diplomatic games with Israel, and instead throw its full weight behind the BDS effort.

It should be noted that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas actually agrees with Barghouti and the BDS policies regarding future peace with Israel. Abbas has on numerous occasions stated that he will not sign a peace deal that doesn't include control of Jerusalem and the "right" to flood Israel with millions of Arab civilians.

It should also be pointed out that this was the same BDS conference where a senior PA official lashed out at a participant for asking a "provocative" question. The participant was later beaten by Palestinian police.

B.C. in ‘Risk Zone’ for Coastal Mega - Earthquake: Study
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
CTV News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary


The last massive earthquake that shook the south coast of British Columbia took place on the cold winter night of Jan. 26, 1700, say researchers who have been able to use sediment samples taken from the sea floor off the coast of Vancouver Island to reveal the Pacific coast’s seismic history.

In a study published Wednesday, the team said the region that stretches from the northern tip of Vancouver Island down the coast to northern California has experienced 22 major earthquakes over the last 11,000 years, and is due for another.

Audrey Dallimore, of the School of Environment and Sustainability at Royal Roads University and the author of the study, said the research showed earthquakes occur every 500 to 1,000 years.

The last one took place 313 years ago.

“What that means is we’re due for another subduction zone earthquake either tomorrow — or 700 years from now,” she said.

“(It) may happen within our lifetimes and will certainly happen at some time over the life of our communities and our infrastructures.”

Researchers extracted a sediment core from the sea floor of Effingham Inlet, in Barclay Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island, and used radiocarbon dating to determine when large or so-called megathrust earthquakes occurred on what is known as the Cascadia subduction zone.

A ‘Disorderly’ Bursting of Biggest Bond Bubble in History is Biggest Risk to Financial Stability
Jun 13th, 2013
Daily News
The Telegraph
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s executive director for financial stability, believes the biggest risk to the global financial system is a “disorderly” bursting of the bond bubble created by quantitative easing.

He told the Treasury Select Committee on Wednesday that bond market had seen “shades of that” in the spike in bond yields around the globe after the US Federal Reserve said it was looking to taper off its massive stimulus.

“We have intentionally blown the biggest government bond bubble in history,” he said at hearing on the reappointment of officials to the Financial Policy Committee, created to monitor broad risks to the financial system.

Following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, central banks in the US and Britain flooded markets with cash to revive their economies and avert a collapse of the world financial system.

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