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There is a religious war against Christmas taking place in Jerusalem
Dec 18th, 2009
News Update
Jimmy DeYoung
Categories: Jimmy DeYoung News

On the streets of Jerusalem there is a religious war against Christmas going on as orthodox rabbis are calling for public boycotts of restaurants and hotels that sell or put up Christmas trees or other Christmas symbols. The organization behind the boycotts, the Lobby for Jewish Values, says that Jews have given their souls over the years to maintain the values of the Torah and their Jewish identity. These religious Jews are calling for the merchants in Jerusalem to not give in to the clownish atmosphere and not to sell or put up the foolish symbols of Christianity.

Jimmy's Prophetic prospective on the News

The war going on in the streets of Jerusalem over Christmas is evidence that God's Word is true and that Bible prophecy has and will be fulfilled.

In an effort to shut down any appearance of the reality that a person who came to the Earth claiming that he was the Son of God might indeed have been the Son of the Most High God, there are religious Jews in Jerusalem who have organized a campaign and are intense in their efforts to remove any Christmas symbols. For these Jews to deny that this man, Jesus Christ, has impacted the world for 2000 years is destined to fail according to what is recorded in the Bible. More books have been written about Jesus Christ than any other subject in history. More songs have the theme of their music the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And, in fact, there is no other man in history who has made such an impact on humankind.

The over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament pointing to the Messiah, even His miraculous Virgin Birth, were all fulfilled in absolute detail by Jesus Christ. The 35 miracles that Jesus Christ performed during His life here on Earth also confirmed that He is the Messiah. The many prophecies surrounding His death, burial, and resurrection shout out to all of mankind that Jesus was and is the true Messiah. The proof is overwhelming.

Bible prophecy also reveals that this same Jesus Christ will come a second time to the Earth, and the truth be known, the first coming of Jesus Christ is evidence that indeed He will come again and maybe very soon.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Police Bar Jews from Temple Mount on Chanukah
Dec 18th, 2009
Daily News
Tzvi Ben Gadalyahu
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

 Police Bar Jews on Chanukah
Arab fears of Jews taking over the Temple Mount convinced police to ban Jews from the site during Chanukah, which celebrates the Jews' return to the Holy Temple. A report in an Israeli newspaper, disseminated worldwide by United Press International (UPI) stated that Jews planned a “mass pilgrimage” numbering in the “hundreds” to the Temple Mount on Thursday.

The “mass” throng actually consisted of only 200 Jews, but the reports set off panic among Arabs and left Jews outside the site as police blocked their entrance, as has happened several times in the past after Arab clerics spread fears of a “Jewish takeover.”

A spokesman for the activists said, “The police provided no reason for their arbitrary decision. At one point police claimed that the Mount was closed due to the Moslem new year, which occurs on Friday and not on Thursday.

UPI reported that the planned “pilgrimage” would test the ”shaky calm” in Jerusalem and quoted a report that Jewish activists’ intentions to ascend the Temple Mount were interpreted by Arab clerics as “as a plan to invade the site or build a synagogue there.” 

The news agency also recalled riots during the Sukkot holiday in October, when Arabs also spread rumors of a “Jewish takeover.”

Arab analyst and reporter Amjad Abu Arafeh was quoted by the Bethlehem-based Maan news agency as saying. “It seems this is now a usual event in Jerusalem, threatening the Al-Aqsa Mosque. These groups try to invade Al-Aqsa daily to make their prayers there. Only yesterday several settlers invaded the yards of Al-Aqsa mosque but the Waqf guards and the guards of the mosque were able to get them out.”

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Al-Husayni told the news agency that the “compound faces ongoing threats.” Maan described the Temple Mount as being “believed to be the site of the First and Second Jewish Temples” and that “a few extremist [Jewis groups call for Israel to conquer the area and build a third temple."

Arab leaders and media have claimed for several years that Israel is plotting to undermine mosques and cause their collapse. Arab propaganada also has increasingly made the claim that the Holy Temples never existed and that Jews have no connection to the site.

The Chief Rabbinate of Israel forbade Jews to ascend the Temple Mount  because there are areas there where only Cohanim (members of the priestly tribe of Jews) may go according to Jewish Law and there is a debate about their location. Other rabbis permit Jews to ascend to certain parts of the site after preparations, including immersion in a ritual bath.

Obama: Israel will Eventually Attack Iran
Dec 18th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel;War

US President Barack Obama warned Chinese Prime Minister Hu Jintao in Beijing last month that Washington can only prevent Israel from attacking Iran for so long, senior Israeli diplomats revealed to Ha'aretz on Thursday.

Obama was in China to convince Hu to stop opposing international efforts to sanction Iran over its defiant nuclear program. Obama warned that eventually Israel will feel the threat to its existence is too great and will attack Iran's nuclear facilities, and there will be nothing the US can do to stop it.

Washington believed the visit to be a success when China backed international condemnation of Iran a week after Obama returned to the US. But in the past two weeks, China has returned to its previous policies by opposing international efforts to impose new sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Both Obama and Israel also hoped to decrease China's dependency on Iranian oil, which provides a very steady income for Tehran.

Meanwhile, the Israeli and American intelligence communities are leading a global effort to uncover and shut down clandestine Iranian purchasing networks that are busy buying up the materials needed for Iran's nuclear program.

One such network was exposed recently in Taiwan.

Obama, Wen Offer No New Emission Cuts At Summit
Dec 18th, 2009
Daily News
Associated Press , THE JERUSALEM POST
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Obama, Wen offer no new emission cuts at summit

US President Barack Obama and other world leaders took stalled climate talks into their own hands Friday, holding an emergency meeting to come up with a political agreement to salvage a conference marked by deep divisions between rich and poor countries.

But neither Obama nor Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao offered any new commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions as they addressed the UN climate conference in Copenhagen. And Wen skipped the high-level meeting, sending an envoy instead.

With the talks in disarray Friday, many delegates had been looking toward China and the US - the world's two largest carbon polluters - to deepen their pledges to cut emissions to salvage a deal in Copenhagen.

"We are ready to get this done today but there has to be movement on all sides to recognize that it is better for us to act rather than talk," Obama said, insisting on a transparent way to monitor each nation's pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Wen told delegates that China's voluntary targets of reducing its carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent will require "tremendous efforts."

"We will honor our word with real action," Wen said.

China has been criticized at the two-week summit for not offering stronger carbon emissions targets and for resisting international monitoring of its actions. After the impromptu high-level meeting, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said progress in the climate talks was being held back by China.

An early draft of the climate agreement, obtained by The Associated Press, called for rich countries to mobilize $30 billion over the next three years to help poor countries cope with the effects of global warming, scaling up to $100 billion a year by 2020.

But it called for continued negotiations on targets for emission cuts, with a deadline of a climate conference in Mexico City in December next year.

The lack of progress meant Obama changed the word "agreement" from his prepared speech to negotiators to "framework I just outlined."

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon told climate negotiators that "the finishing line is in sight," reminding them that "the world is watching."

And Brazilian president Luiz Lula da Silva told the joint session of negotiators how frustrated he was that the job was left to heads of state after talks ran into the wee hours Friday.

"I am not sure if such an angel or wise man will come down to this plenary and put in our minds the intelligence that we lacked," Lula said. "I believe in God. I believe in miracles."

To move the talks forward, Lula said Brazil, a developing country, would give money to help other developing countries cope with the costs of global warming.

Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said the US president met with world leaders Friday from wealthy nations like Australia, the United Kingdom, France and Germany and developing countries like Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Colombia.

China and Russia, both seen as key participants in climate change discussions, also were at the meeting with Obama.

Delegates earlier were blaming both the US and China for the lack of a political agreement that more than 110 other world leaders were supposed to sign within hours.

Graham Speaks Truth About Islam
Dec 18th, 2009
Daily News
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues;Warning

A messianic Jewish leader is pleased that evangelist Franklin Graham continues to tell the truth about Islam and won't buckle to the demands of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Recently Graham was interviewed by CNN's Campbell Brown who asked the evangelist about comments he made in 2001 when he referred to Islam as "a very evil and wicked religion."
Graham did not back down from that assessment. Instead he replied that "true Islam cannot be practiced in this country. You can't beat your wife. You cannot murder your children if you think they've committed adultery or something like that, which they do practice in these other countries," he explained. "I don't agree with the teachings of Islam, and I find it to be a very violent religion."
The Council on American Islamic Relations was incensed by Graham's latest comments and sent him a letter asking for a meeting to "clear up misconceptions" and offer "accurate and balanced information about Islam." The self-proclaimed "Muslim civil rights group" said Graham did not respond to a similar letter in 2001.  
Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries, argues that Franklin simply spoke the truth as "there are very few people who are willing to speak the truth about the Islamic issue." The ministry founder says she believes the "Crescent News Network woman" -- a reference to CNN -- wanted to imply that most Muslims are peaceful; however, Markell contends that if a Muslim is "following their Koran, then that doesn't make them a very peaceful candidate."
She further describes CAIR as an organization which is "extremely pathetic," and she wonders why they do not "just come out on their website and say, 'We're troublemakers.'"

'Doma - Destroying Legislation' Afoot in Senate
Dec 18th, 2009
Daily News
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow -
Categories: Today's Headlines;Moral Decline;Warning

A conservative activist warns that both houses of Congress are moving forward with a back-door attempt to achieve federal recognition of same-sex "marriage."

The Senate Homeland Security Committee voted 8-1 yesterday to approve a bill that would provide the same family benefits to homosexual federal civilian employees that are provided to married heterosexual employees.
The measure, S. 1102, is sponsored by Senators Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut) and Susan Collins (R-Maine).  A similar bill passed the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in November.
Peter Labarbera, executive director of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, says the Lieberman-Collins bill severely undermines the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
"This appears to be a violation of the spirit and the law of DOMA.  DOMA was intended to encourage marriage, the recognition of marriage by the federal government, and this is the repudiation of that," Labarbera contends.  "This is giving marital benefits to both homosexuals and heterosexual 'shack-up' couples.  It's very bad public policy for the federal government to de-incentivize people getting married...and that's exactly what this legislation would do."
The long-time family advocate believes that when President Obama reiterated his opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act, he effectively gave the Senate the green light to move forward with what LaBarbera calls "DOMA-destroying legislation."

'Czar' Promotes Explicit School Reading Lists
Dec 18th, 2009
Daily News
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow
Categories: Today's Headlines;Moral Decline;Warning

Barack Obama's "safe school czar" is coming under renewed attack.

Fox News has picked up on reports that Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), has been surrounded by controversy concerning his organization as GLSEN has been accused of visiting middle and high schools where spokespersons engage in explicit sexual discussions with students.
In conjunction with the controversial talks, it has been uncovered that GLSEN has recommended an alleged pornographic reading list for underage students. Exact details of the reading list are too explicit for print, but the material includes frank descriptions and the glorification of adult-on-minor homosexual sex.

Brian Camenker, head of MassResistance, the pro-family organization that first brought these disturbing details to light, is encouraging the public to contest the progression of this promotion.
"The people of this country really need to understand that this is the mindset of Barack Obama, who by the way was a guest at Kevin Jennings' house during the presidential campaign, and they raised money together," Camenker explains. "So it's not like he doesn't know what this is all about...and people just need to stand up."
MassResistance is circulating an online petition calling for the resignation of Kevin Jennings.

Columnist Robert Knight contends the Obama administration has unleashed the liberal group Media Matters on Camenker's group in an effort to divert attention from the controversial Jennings appointment.

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