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Daily News
“Palestinians Plan Judenrein State - A Land Without Jews”
September 28th, 2016

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Some are now asking, why it is so hard for the Obama administration to accept the true nature of the hard-line Palestinian policy of ethnic cleansing? 

Elizabeth Trudeau, a US State Department spokesperson, responded to a statement from Benjamin Netanyahu by saying, "We obviously strongly disagree with the characterization that those who oppose settlement activity or view it as an obstacle to peace are somehow calling for ethnic cleansing of Jews from the West Bank."

This rebuke of the truth followed a statement in which Mr. Netanyahu spoke with characteristic honesty about the Palestinian Authority's stated desire to create a Palestinian state without Jews, cleansing the territories of any Jewish presence. 

When examined without bias, there can be no doubt, however, that ethnic cleansing is precisely the goal of the Palestinian Authority, while such a crime could never be accepted from Israel. 

To say there is a disconnect between Palestinian statements made in English, which are destined for a Western audience, and those made in Arabic, would be a gross understatement. 

Those who defend the Palestinian objections to Israeli settlements turn to statements made by Palestinian leaders, invariably to Western journalists, in which they promise equal rights to Jews in a Palestinian state. 

Yet at the same time, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, boasted in 2013 to the Egyptian president, "In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli--civilian or soldier--on our lands." 

Proudly touting a "final resolution" that means the elimination of an entire ethic group from a parcel of land cannot be legitimately characterized as anything but an endorsement of genocide. 

In what other country would we condone a call to eliminate or expel an entire ethnic group?

The charge that Mr. Netanyahu has leveled on the Palestinian Authority and its defenders is an open recognition of the elephant in the room that no one has been willing to acknowledge, an elephant that now threatens to derail the Obama's administration's plan not to veto a Security Council resolution criminalizing Israeli settlements. 

Any objective observer would react the same way as Mr. Netanyahu did when he pointed out that "the Palestinian leadership actually demands a Palestinian state with one pre-condition: no Jews. There's a phrase for that: It's called ethnic cleansing, and this demand is outrageous." 

Mr. Netanyahu could have used the German term, Judenrein (free of any Jews) which is all too familiar to historians. 

Despite repeated accusations made against Israel of discrimination, apartheid, Judaization and even ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, the undeniable fact remains that nearly two million Arabs presently reside in Israel and enjoy more freedoms than they would in any Arab state. 

Where are the Israeli calls for a creating a Jewish state free from the presence of even one Palestinian? They don't exist. Yet a Palestinian State cleansed of any Jewish presence is the "final resolution" so sought after by Palestinian leaders.

The simple statement by Mr. Netanyahu that "ethnic cleansing for peace is absurd" seems to have caused quite a reaction from those who would defend a radical and bigoted Palestinian ideology of anti-Semitism. 

But, when the US State Department refuses to veto a Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements and instead labels Mr. Netanyahu's statements as "inappropriate and unhelpful", one has to question how distorting the truth to support and excuse a stated Palestinian policy of ethnic cleansing could be either appropriate or helpful.

The simple explanation is that the US State Department chose to condemn such obvious statements of truth because the deceptive nature of the Palestinian position is too uncomfortable to acknowledge. 

Support for a policy that advocates the removal of an ethnic group needs to be called out for what it is and not disguised as a move to promote 'peace'. 

The UN's condemnation of the Jewish state is nothing new, but the world should at least accept that failing to recognize Palestinian calls for a Jewish purge is anything less than ethnic cleansing and an extension of the 67-year old campaign to erase the Israel as a Jewish state.

Alas, "Judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: For truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter."  (Isaiah 59:14)

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