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“Israeli Civil Defense Drill Prepares for Ballistic Missile Attack”
by World Tribune .com   
May 29th, 2013

TEL AVIV — Israel has launched a major civil defense exercise. Officials said the exercise, dubbed “Steadfast Home Front-1, was meant to simulate a ballistic missile attack on Israel.

The officials said the exercise, part of a multi-year defense plan, also tested interoperability by the military, Defense Ministry, other ministries and local authorities.

“Israel is the most threatened state in the world; it is under missile and rocket threat,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

The exercise, which began on May 26, was the seventh edition of the annual civil defense drill. Officials said the latest exercise, scheduled to
end on May 29, was meant to prepare military and civil authorities for a chemical or nuclear attack.

“This year, the national exercise will focus on preparing the home front for required government, civilian and military response to an unconventional weapons scenario within the home front,” the military said.

During the exercise, sirens sounded in cities throughout Israel. Officials said a key scenario was of a Hizbullah and Syrian ballistic missile strike, including those with CW warheads.

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